United States Air Force Security Forces, U.S. Government
End of Watch Saturday, January 10, 1998
Reflections for Technical Sergeant Robert Bruce Butler
I was the Shift Sgt for C Flt when Bob came over from, I believe B Flt. I was heading to Lackland for Combat Arms School. We worked my last three mid shifts together before I departed. We rode patrol together most of those nights while he got to know C Flt, who were the best cops, patrolman, Desk Sgt etc.. Liked him right away as an easy going guy who cared about the troops. I remember a Shift Sgt meeting months before he came over when he showed up in Shorts, T-shirt and flip flops, towing his small kids with him. It was hilarious because the LE Superintendent at the time was kind of strict on appearance and such at these meetings, even if you were on your day off. It’s 2024 and I still am haunted by the feeling, had I not went to Combat Arms School, this would have never happened. RIP Bob.
Trevor Poppler, MSgt (ret)
USAF Security Police/Law Enforcement
August 13, 2024
Rest in peace hero
Carson loveless
February 6, 2024
TSgt Butler, Prayers to your family on the remembrance of your End Of Watch, 10 Jan 1998. Rest in Peace Defender Butler.
Ret CMSgt Charlie Jefferson
Fellow Defender
January 13, 2024
Bob was on my mobility flight and probably one of the best people I had. He was the squad leader for the law enforcement troops and ran a tight ship. Bob was the type of guy that was always ready to help others, however he could, and always made the best out of every situation...no matter how bad. He left behind a wife and children, I hope they know what a great guy their husband and father was and that they have been able to cope with their loss. They have my condolences!
MSgt Brian Hagerty
Air Force Security Police
April 12, 2023
Sitting here reflecting on my AF SP/LE career and recalled your sacrifice at the hands of a fellow Airman. Your sacrifice is not forgotten, fellow Peacekeeper. I pray you spend eternity in God’s loving grace. Respectfully…
Thomas Huber, TSgt
AF Security Police Law Enforcement/Corrections (79’-99’) (retired)
March 7, 2023
TSgt Butler,
I continue to pray for your Family each and every time I think of you. You are gone and NEVER forgotten. I know you're patrolling Heaven and getting Post Checks from The Angels manning the Main Gate! The SF Career Field sure could use your talents right now! RIP my Friend!
MSgt Charlie Jefferson (Ret)/SF Defender
Fellow Security Policeman/95th SFS
March 3, 2023
I was stationed with Bob at Edwards Air Force Base. Although not on duty that fateful night; I can vividly remember the phone ring and being recalled to respond. I did not know until reaching the squadron parking lot that Bob had passed. Taken at the hands of a fellow Airman.
Bob was a good friend and one of the finest Security Policeman I had the honor of serving with. He touched my life in many ways. It was my honor to have known such a man. He has been and will continue to be surely missed.
James Koharik, MSgt (Get)
USAF Security Police
July 7, 2020
Rest In Peace Technical Sergeant Butler From a Defense Forces Veteran my prayers for you your family partners and friends you made the ultimate sacrifice
State Correctional Officer Ca (ret) E.S.
Californa Dept of Corrections
November 18, 2019
Rest in peace Technical Sergeant Butler.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 17, 2019
Rob was a great hero, friend and Brother. We was first on scene when I was struck and severely injured in Okinawa City, Okinawa Japan. He is often on my mind and continues to be in my prayers.
SSgt Andrew M. John
18th Security Police Squadron, Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan
May 25, 2019
Bob worked for me in Okinawa as a Charlie Flt patrolman. I remember him as quiet and unassuming but a caring and honest man. I was horrified when I hear about this almost exactly one year after I retired. Rest in Eternal Peace, brother.
Jeffrey G. Hagen, MSGT, Ret.
18 SPS, Kadena AB, Okinawa, JA. 1985-1989, Cobra Flt Flight Chief
May 25, 2019
Rest in peace Technical Sergeant Butler.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 13, 2019
For Police Week 2019, I will be memorilizing TSgt Butler during our unit's closing ceremony on 17 May 2019. Gone, but not forgotten.
Major Michael Holt
627th Security Forces Squadron, Commander
May 13, 2019
R.IP. I worked with your father in the Traffic Division. Great worker. On the anniversary of your death. Gone but not forgotten.
Theodore Thomas P/O
Philadelphia Police Department
March 31, 2018
RIP Brother! You stood your watch and served with honor. We have the watch now. Gone but never forgotten! Our prayers to family and friends on this anniversary of your loss.
MSgt Rocky J. D'Adamo
Retired USAF SP/LE (1971-1998)
January 10, 2018
Remembering TSgt Butler on this memorial day, 2017. I was blessed to have had him as one of my first role models at my first duty station, Kadena AB, Japan.
Blessed are the peace keepers.
Rhonda Battles (aka Stevens / Cruz)
Former USAF SP/SF (1989-2004)
May 29, 2017
This is very sad. Although I've been retired, I was stationed at Edwards for Twelve years, and take him as my brother. I will pray for him and his family.
anthony minadeo, MSgt Ret
USAF Security Forces 650th SPS EAFB
May 16, 2017
Hello, If there are any family members on this page can you please contact me I would like to Ride in Honor of your loved one in this years Police Unity Tour.
MSgt David Tingle
February 20, 2017
We appreciate and will always remember TSgt Butler's dedication and devotion to duty, and we are deeply saddened by his sacrifice. My thoughts and prayers will continue for his family (as well as for all of those still serving).
SMSgt Dan McFarland (Retired)
USAF Law Enforcement Supervisor
January 7, 2017
I was stationed at Edwards AFB, CA, assigned to the 412th EMS during this time. I remember hearing the terrible news that day like it was yesterday. I did not know TSgt Butler personally, but losing a fellow brother in arms is never easy for any of us. I was also a member of the Blue Eagles Honor Guard Team during this time and was chosen to be the lead trumpet during the echo TAPS that we played for his memorial, out in front of the hangar on the Edwards flight line several days after his passing. I had played TAPS many times before during military funeral honors all over southern California for our fallen hero's, but never had a ceremony like the one for TSgt Butler, have such a moving effect on me. It was very beautiful and peacefully calming.
Out of the many things I've done during my military career, this event stands out for me and I am so very honored to have been a part of this moment in time.
I also want you to know that his memory echoes around the world just as TAPS did on that day. I am currently deployed at Al Udeid AB, Qatar and his name is engraved on a plaque located in the Security Forces Squadron building, honoring fallen hero's during the line of duty around the world. He is not forgotten.
Happy Veterans Day TSgt Robert B. Butler and thank you sir for your service and ultimate sacrifice.
God Bless!!
Dale J. Hager, TSgt USAF 11 Nov. 2016
Technical Sergeant Dale J. Hager
Blue Eagles Honor Guard Team - Edwards AFB, CA
November 11, 2016
I was stationed with TSgt Butler at Edwards AFB, CA and was a member of the EST Team that responded to locate the Airman that murdered him. The events that unfolded that cold, rainy morning are forever etched in my memory. TSgt Butler was a true Defender, a devout family man/Father, a Leader, and a mentor to his Airmen and NCO's. He was a quiet man, but when he spoke, you listened. TSgt Butler paid the ultimate sacrifice as he attempted to keep the men and women of Edwards Air Force Base, CA safe. I think of you often. As you're patrolling the streets of heaven, know that your work was not in vain. You left a legacy of professionalism, courage and honor that have transcended time. May God continue to be with your family. You are never forgotten HUA! Present Arms. Order Arms.
Master Sergeant Charlie Jefferson (Ret)
Fellow Security Policeman/Security Forces
January 15, 2015
Bob worked for me on Charlie FLight at Kadena AB. Always a quiet professional. Here is a story that will always bring a smile to my face: I remember hearing a call about an assault in one of the housing areas. As flight chief, I decided to roll over. When I arrived on scene, there was a male military member already in custody, Bob was the supervising patrolman on scene; Bob Bennet and Chris Bellino were on scene as well. Bob had three young ladies in the back seat of his squad. I poked my head in and then looked at Bob and asked him what he had. He ran down a list of charges and gave me the facts on the case. Actually, I said, you have three men in the back seat of your car. The victims were "Billie Boys" (men either in drag or in the process of transgender changes). Watching the colour drain from Bob's face was priceless.
I was shocked and saddened to hear of his loss. He was a good man, a good policeman and a solid NCO.
Jeffrey G. Hagen, MSgt (Ret)
18 SPS, Kadena AB, SPOL-C
May 17, 2014
I remember Sgt Butler from Kadena when I was stationed there from 1986-1990. Seemed like a nice quiet gentleman but was taking martial arts I believe, so was the "silent but deadly" type. God Bless him and his family for their sacrifice.
SMSgt (Ret) Chris Dunlap
May 16, 2014
We miss you.
April 4, 2014
Bob, my friend and fellow Flight Chief. You are not and will not be forgotten. I attend the National Police Week Memorial Retreat at Edwards in your honor every year. Tomorrow, 04 March 2014, I will be in a ruck march honoring the fallen. I will be walking for you.
Rest in peace, my friend.
TSgt (Ret) James Bigger
95 SFS 1984-1996
March 3, 2014