Fairbanks Police Department, Alaska
End of Watch Thursday, January 1, 1998
Reflections for Patrol Officer John Kevin Lamm
Kevin, another Thanksgiving without your physical presence yet you will be with us in every other way. You loved the holiday season - the football games,phone calls to your brothers "hey are you watching - did you see that play?' The feast set at the table - preparing and eating. I pray you know we will have you in out thoughts, (your always in our hearts), as we give our Thanks again this year for so many blessings in our lives - Kev I will be saying Thanks for the fact you were placed in our lives even tho it wås for to short of a time, you enriched our lives more than you know. I love you, we love you!!
November 23, 2005
Reading all of your reflections is so painful. I never knew you, but I've heard of your courage and all the people who mourn you attest to your character and integrity. You touched so many people in your short life. So many people love you... Rest in peace, brother.
Federal LEO
National Park Service
November 11, 2005
Hey Kev,
I was just getting ready for bed and I thought of you. So, I got on line and read your reflections, again. I find that I do this several times a month.
I take time out from work to get on this website on a weekly basis to pay my respects to all who have fallen in the line of duty.
Today, I learned that one of my friends has a family member whose name will be on this website soon. Just 26 years old and married only 3 weeks. Reminded me of you...
My little boy is 16 months old and I think of this job that both his parents have. I often wonder why I stay in it. I guess the answer is that it's in our blood. Like you, I was born to be a protector and an enforcer of the law. Sometimes it requires a little sacrifice and then there are times that it requires the ultimate of sacrifices.
I will continue the fight for you, in your honor, Kev.
Rest in eternal peace brother.
Thinking of you always,
Detective Dena LeGros (Wilson)
Carson City Sheriff
October 24, 2005
Sorry Kev, my calculations were wrong - you have been away from us longer than I had just mentioned and I wanted to correct this. It has been 7 long years 8 months and 5 days - at times it seems much much longer then again it seems like just yesterday when we got that phone call that something awful was wrong. We knew something had happened to you but didn't know what until sometime later. To this day we ask how could something like this happen here? The answers do not come may never come - If all of this could be changed we would change it for you, but we can't.
Rest in peace my son. Love you so much, Mom
love Mom
September 6, 2005
Kevin, 34 years ago today you entered our lives and 71/2 years 3months and 26 days ago you were taken out of our lives physically. You have remained in our hearts and minds since the day you were taken from us so suddenly and always will be. Although we can not have you in our presence somehow you have been here - kinda hard to explain but you have been with us and I believe watch over us attempt to encourage and help in any way you are able. Thank you Kevin!! How wonderful it was to watch you grow into such a fine young man - you have made us so proud.
Happy 34th Birthday Kevin from all of us - I pray you are happy and free and know how much we love you and always will. You are missed so much but if you are in a better place than on planet earth I am happy for you. Love you Kev!!!! MomXO
Love Mom
September 6, 2005
So many days I sit here and read the reflections left for you by family, friends, and strangers. I am truely amazed at how many officers lives are taken each year by acts of violence. I still cannot believe that you are no longer in this world. The only solice is knowing that you are watching over us in spirit.
I read the words to your song and cried like a baby...you are a wonderful person and are truely missed.
Thank you for your bravery, although I wish everyday that it never happened.
Having this memorial site helps. I get to read the other refelctions left here for you. I especially love reading your mom's.
Every time I am back in Poulsbo, I drive by your old house, thinking of you.
The Memorial is held here in Carson City every year. I placed a blue carnation at the feet of the statue of a fallen officer in your name.
You gave all, Kev and I love you for it. For those who gave all when the time came...we will carry on in your honor, despite the pain of losing another brother in blue.
I know you will continue to be the angel you are...until we all meet again.
Detective Dena LeGros (Wilson)
Carson City Sheriff's Department
July 10, 2005
Your picture is still proudly displayed at the Detachment HQ in Fairbanks. Everytime I enter the building from the front side I stop and look at it and reflect on happier days. I remember handling a few calls with you when we worked in Fairbanks. Seems like the swings and graves shifts always generated so much work that our agencies were always backing each other. You were always upbeat and fun to work with and be around. Saw Matt the other day at court and thought of your sacrifice once again. I also passed by the new FPD building on the summer solstice and thought that you would be proud to see it. Watch over us brother, we think of you often.
Sgt. Brian Wassmann
Alaska State Troopers
June 24, 2005
Kevin, I have been meaning to write for sometime now but once again all to be said is locked in my heart - you are missed so very much. Look at that smile on your face in the picture displayed here - taken only a few days before you were taken from us so suddenly - what a special young man!!
On May 13th the services for National Police Week were held here in Fairbanks - the service was really very nice. Still doesn't seem possible that we should be attending a memorial service for you - you were so full of life and had been robbed of that life. Somehow you live on, but we all would rather have you with us physically and share your life with us here of course!!
Your son was at the service with his Mom, Julie. It is always so good to see them. Elliot, as I'm sure you know, is becoming quite a young man now. Soon he will be 15 and is looking more and more like you each day and what a pleasant young fellow to be around too. You can be so proud of him. I'm sure you are aware and beam with pride as you watch over him, he has a good example of a special father to turn to in his thoughts.
Well my son I will close for now - wanted to say hello to you and tell you how much you are loved and missed - rest in peace Kevin until we see each other again someday.
May 24, 2005
I was in Fairbanks last week, and heard the story from Matt...you did what we all hope we would do in the same situation.
I wish I had known you.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend's." John 15:13
No truer words have been spoken, and you epitomized it.
God Bless You, and your family and friends.
Rest easy, brother.
Patrolman Casey Bohn
St. Paul, AK POlice Department
May 3, 2005
I wish we'd had a chance to get to know each other. The few times we met were in passing, and I was pretty young. We're related by marriage, albeit distantly, and I really feel like I missed out on knowing a wonderful person. Especially after reading these reflections from people whose lives you obviously touched so deeply.
I've been to every service and ceremony that I've had knowledge of, and I still think about you daily. Around the holidays in particular, I think about and pray for your brothers and sisters in blue, that they will remain safe. I know I'm not alone.
I think about the sacrifice you made that day, and I think about how proud your family is of your actions. This entire community bursts with pride for you, even seven years later.
We'll never forget what you did for all of us. I hope that you are at peace, and my God bless you and your loved ones.
Fairbanks, Alaska
May 1, 2005
To the Family of Officer Lamm, stay strong God Bless you all. To the son of Officer Lamm, your message to your father hit home with me. Children like you are the true hero's. As a father of two little ones (who do the same as you did with your father) I can tell you from the bottom of my heart I wish I could have been there to help your father and his fellow officers on that day.
Grand Prairie PD/Texas
April 27, 2005
Kevin, I never met you, but every time I walk into that lobby I see your picture. You made the ulitimate sacfrice to the city you were sworn to protect. I thank you, and rest easy.
Fairbanks Police Department
March 27, 2005
I dont know if you remember me or not, but your father and my father were good friends when they were in the Army together. You and my older sister went to school together. I was only in my early 20's when you were called home. Although I didnt know you as well as my sister and father did, I always wanted to be a cop like you. I know that when you died I felt a strange loss in my heart. I love what I do and from time to time I think about you and it helps me to get through the tough days. I hope that you are resting well in heaven and watching over all of your brothers in blue.
Ofc Kevin Digou
Savannah GA Police
March 23, 2005
Kevin, I saw "Mom" Larie the other day, she told me to check out Kirk's message to you. What a beautiful song! You have touched so many lives, you are so loved! I can only hope in my passing to have been loved and rememberd as you are. We moved back out here to North Pole last week. Elliot & I took some time out from unpacking to look into your cedar chest; making sure everything survived the move,it is the most treasued thing we own. We went over (again) some photo albums and your baby book. Shared some laughs and tears. Elliot likes knowing he looks just like you. Most importantly, as you know, he is doing very well. We have survived the 'hellish detour' your passing brought, but we've learned together how to live life without Kev/Dad.It wasnt easy and still isnt-we were all slow learners. You're still here, just in a different way, but definently not the way we'd like it. However, were ok, thank you for watching over us to make that possible. Thank you most of all for watching over Elliot. He is not the result of only my efforts and guidance; he and I feel you. I tell Elliot he is soooo loved by both of us. I also cannot express enough how much you are loved too. Thank you for all you gifts and blessings; you still are and always will be our family. Jul and El.
julie lamm- selid
March 8, 2005
Well Kevin,
You always said you wanted to be a cop. When your dad and I were in Cordova together, you were always hanging around, watching us and asking yourself questions as to what your dad and I were doing. We had a lot of fun on that boat together. I always watched how you cherrished your dad and what he did in life and what he stood for. I've seen him recently. I can tell he isn't quite the same since you have gone, but he's still the fine upstanding man he always was and will always be my best friend. You were to follow him in life and I know you would have been the best that you always were. You were like my son in Cordova. I'll never forget.
Rest, my son,
Dan Bierman
Dan Bierman/Retired
March 5, 2005
It still seems like such a short time since I was teaching Kevin guitar, and Craig was teaching him drums jamming down in the basement of the old house in Poulsbo When we were all in High school. Kevin was like my other little brother who we all looked out for; trying to keep him out of the trouble we all were getting into. I would have thought Kevin wanted to be a rock star, but he became one of America’s hero’s. It is a shame we lost him so young, he would have been a great police officer for many years to come.
I still remember when Craig called me and told me when it happened, I didn’t believe him. When I woke up the next morning I was shocked and saddened to learn Kevin really was gone. I wrote and recorded a song about him immediately. The words flew from my hand to the page and within 5 minutes the song was done. I lost track of everyone after that in all the chaos.
The song was played over and over on one of our local radio stations in Kansas where I live now.
It took me 7 years to finally locate Kevin’s dad in Oregon. He got me in touch with the rest of the lamm clan in Alaska; which made it possible to send a copy of the song to them via the internet in the form of an MP3. I would like to leave a copy of the words here on Kevin’s reflections page for the whole world to read. The Mp3 is 8 Megs, but I’ll send a copy to anyone who wants one.
In the end it was Kevin who taught me something. Every single one of us is going to meet our maker some day; nobody knows when that time will be. I certainly didn’t expect Kevin’s time to come so soon, it was a real eye opener for me. The only thing that really matters in this life is that we are ready to meet a Holy God in the next. Shine on Little brother Kevin.
Joh 15:13 - "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.
Well you called me late at night, so I told you just for spite that the clock says 1am
I was upset cause it was late, wondered what is was that couldn’t wait, until the sun rose in the morning.
I can’t believe it, it seems like yesterday, when you and I and Kevin were having fun.
His dangerous occupation has ended much too soon; young Kevin’s life had only just begun
When it ended at the barrel….of a hopeless mans gun.
You were like a brother too me…Full of life! Till the bitter end.
And Kevin! You were what a brother should be, and I’m proud to have called you my friend.
Next day when I awoke, hoping it was all just a bad joke, or maybe all just a bad dream, but the nightmare was true, don’t know what to say, or what to do. It chills me right down to the bones.
The pain denial the anger you must feel the reason for this loss I can not see.
This can’t real the hero’s never lose, and what about the brand new bride you leave?
And a blue eyed boy called Elliot, that you named after me.
You were like a brother too me…Full of life! Till the bitter end.
And Kevin! You were what a brother should be, and I’m proud to have called you my friend.
-Guitar solo-
KEVIN! You were like a brother too me…Full of life! Till the bitter end.
And Kevin! You were what a brother should be, and I’m proud to have called you my friend.
Yes I’m proud to have called you my friend.
Well I’m proud to have called you…….
my friend.
Written by Kirk Farley 1998
Kirk Farley
Farco Investments, LLC
January 24, 2005
I moved away from Fairbanks in 2002. Never knew Kevin or his family, but as I was sitting in my apartment this Christmas eve, for some reason I found myself remembering that it was about this time of year that Officer Lamm was taken from his new wife and family. I don't know what made me think of that, especially since I'm living in Alabama now. I guess it just goes to show how much I value the people who risk their lives for my safety. They mean so much to me that I can picture the face of a man I never met seven years after his murder and reflect on his sacrifice.
Ryan Corrick
December 25, 2004
Dear Kevin;
Today would have been our 7 year anniversary. I can not believe that so much time has passed. It seems like just yesterday that we were standing in the living room of your house, infront of that huge Christmas tree, the boys and all of our friends and part of your family by our sides, watching us profess our love for one another. Our wedding was so simple, yet so beautiful. I still have all of the pictures...everyone was just so happy...you looked so proud and I looked happier than I ever have. Life couldn't have gotten any better. Although you were taken away from me just 11 days later, I would not give up the time we had together for anything in the world. If I had the chance to do it all over again, even with knowing how it would end, I'd do it...just to be able to spend that time with you again. You taught me what it feels like to be truly in love with someone and to be truly loved in return. I have never felt that before....I think very few people actually get to meet their soul mate, but you were and still are mine Kevin. We were meant to be together. We clicked from the first moment we spoke. Here we were, set up on a blind date... I saw you and your son walking up to my door that first night...we had dinner, our boys played together while we talked (and talked and talked), as you were about to leave, my son runs downstairs with your son only to say, "Mom, can you and Kevin get married so me and Elliot can be brothers?"...my face turning red, you smiling at me with that beautiful smile of yours...talking on the phone with you later that night, after we had both put our sons to sleep...and spending every free moment together (including both of us taking a few sick days) from then on until the night you were killed...I miss you still every day Kevin. I often wonder what life would be like if you had not been taken away from me so soon after we were married. I imagine that we would have given our sons two more siblings, we'd have had our dream home that we had been planning to build on our property, and we'd still be as in love today as we were when we married 7 years ago. The day I married you was the happiest day of my life Kevin. You were everything that I had ever wanted. I never realized that life could be so good, or that there could be someone out there who fit so perfectly with me. You were my "one" Kev. I never before, or since, have met someone that filled every void. You made my world right. You had a way of making me laugh when I was upset, by throwing my arms around your neck and kissing me until I was laughing. The memory of those times still brings a smile to my face Kevin. I can still hear your voice leaving me a message on my answering machine (calling me just after we parted so that I'd have a message waiting from you when I walked in the door)...the message was simple, but it was the sweetest thing in the world..."I love you. I love you. I love you." How my ears would love to hear those words once again...I'd love to see your face again...hold you in my arms and just be with you... I love and miss you so incredibly much Kev. I don't think that I'll ever know why you were taken away from me and the boys so soon. I'm just glad that I was able to make you as happy as you made me in the months before you were killed. I know that you are still watching out over me and the boys Kevin. I hope that someday we will be able to be together again...only this time, for all eternity. I love you Kevin. Your wife, Holly
Holly Carroll-Lamm
December 21, 2004
Kev - it is almost Christmas and in less than a month (on New Year's Day) you will have been physically gone from us for 7 years. Is that possible, it feels like yesterday. You are missed so much Kevin by so many friends and family.
There is a memorial at the new Fairbanks Police Dept, a beautiful Jade rock on a pedistal with a special plaque on it. Somehow I believe that you are aware of the memorial and are pleased and honored. The dedication was held on your birthday!
There is so much I want to say that is held in my heart, the words just won't come out to place here, instead the following will have to do:
"If memories could build a stairway
and tears a lane
I'd (we'd) walk right up to heaven,
and bring you home again."
I (we all) love you Kevin, Mom
Larie Minnery - Kevin's Mom
December 15, 2004
Happy Birthday Kev! I still think about you...
Detective Dena LeGros
Carson City Sheriff's Department
September 6, 2004
What a tragic loss....I just read the reflections and when I got to Elliot's, I bust out crying....I lost my dad at an early age and the father/son connection has always been tough. Elliot, I am sure that you know that your dad is a TRUE HERO...he will have an eternal existence and I'm sure that he is very proud of you....GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU...BE STRONG ELLIOT....YOU HAVE A GREAT GUARDIAN ANGEL WITH YOU FOREVER.
DFC. Matt Crisafulli
Worcester County Sheriffs Office
July 31, 2004
Rest in peace sir. Thank you for your service. God bless your family!
concerned citizen (Mississippi)
July 25, 2004
I stop by this website often after the death of two dear friends with the NCSHP (Troopers Calvin Taylor E.O.W. October 3, 2001 and Anthony Cogdill E.O.W. May 30, 2003).
We all grieve over the lives lost in the line of duty. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that there are countless prayers that go out for your family.
These are senseless tragedies that never seem to stop. God Bless the men and women who continue to serve their communities in our great Nation.
...Gone, but never Forgotten....
(Formerly of Seward Alaska)
Marti (EMT-Paramedic)
Haywood Co EMS (NC)
April 6, 2004
It's been six long years, buddy. Everyday I try to do what is right... give that "extra little bit" that we used to talk about. I got offered to go snowmachining the other day, haven't done that for six years; don't know why. Elliott is quite the young man you were hoping he'd be; adventurous and caring in the same package.
Thanks for being there for me, as a true and very real friend. I go on like we said, "doing the things we have to do and have fun." Until we meet again....
Alan P. Mitchell
Alaska DHSS - FYF
February 17, 2004
Hey Kev. Just thinking about you. So many times I think about you and the ultimate sacrifice you gave that day. I was just talking to my dad about you the other day, recalling some old memories. I heard about "Kevin's Way". What a wonderful tribute to your service.
I am married to a fellow officer and we are expecting our first child this year. I thank God everyday for all the blessings he has given me. Especially the blessing of knowing you and all the good memories. I pray for you and your family.
Missing you always, until we meet again Kev. -Dena
Deputy Sheriff Dena LeGros (Wilson)
Carson City Sheriff's Department, NV
January 11, 2004