Atlanta Police Department, Georgia
End of Watch Sunday, October 12, 1997
Reflections for Police Officer John Richard Sowa
The policeman stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a saint."
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at time I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't I'll understand.
There was a silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgement of his god.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've born your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell
June 15, 2004
As I sit here sending this reflection, I do so with a heavy heart. I was just talking to Pat (other officer shot this day) and she is doing incredible. She has worked extremely hard to get her life back on track. As you know Pat had to learn all the basics of life all over again. Despite being shot so many times. It is truly remarkable what Pat has accomplished. I think you should know that Pat has an enlarged picture of you in uniform placed in the center of her living room wall. There has never been a day gone buy since October 12, 1997 that Pat has not thought about you. God bless you John. May you rest in peace our brother in blue.
Officer Johns
Georgia Perimeter College Police Department
April 24, 2004
Shield a Badge with Prayer to this fine Police Officer . We will always remember this Officer forever and ever. My Heart goes out to his family. We are a band of brothers in the Law Enforcement Career field. I will keep this fine Police Officer in my Heart. God Bless ( He will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN )
Police officer T. Critz III
Cleveland NC Police
February 5, 2004
Here I sit in my room watching "Impact: Stories of Survival" on the Discovery Health Channel. I watch as 2 Atlanta PD officers get out of their vehicle and approach the door of a home...and I watch as the agitated male inside the residence pulls out an assault rifle and aims it at both officers before firing several shots. It's all a recreation done for television, but in a way I have just watched you give your life in the line of duty. The show is at a commercial break now and I am waiting for it to come back so I can watch your partner as she testifies about the night you were killed...the night she was nearly killed, too. It is amazing that she was able to survive w/ all the injuries she my mind I wonder if you bargained w/ St. Peter on her behalf. "Take me and let my partner live, please." Who knows what happens in times like those.
God Bless You, Officer Sowa...the men and women of the Atlanta Police Department are fortunate to have an angel watching over them.
January 26, 2004
On this Christmas Eve when your family, friends and partners in blue are missing you the most we wanted you and them to know that you are not forgotten and your service to country and community serves as an inspiration to us all every day. Thank you. OMY/COP
chief of Police Olen M. Young
Wauneta PD NE
December 24, 2003
May god bless you and your family. Although I did not have the privilege to have known you, I am sure you earned your seat in heaven.
Rest in peace, those of us who remain will cover your post on the thin, blue line.
September 29, 2003
It has been over three years since you were taken from your family and friends. May you rest in peace our brother in blue.
Officer D. Johns
Decatur Police Department
This is a refelection to the wife of John R. Sowa and their families, I send my condolences to you to let you know He will me missed and even though I didn't know him personally, I know it feels to lose someone so near and dear to your heart. May God bless you and keep you away from harm and danger.
Lydia Dezmal
well, the trial is now over, and he got the death penalty. you would have been so proud of your mom and kim, they did great, they now have the closure that they have been needing for such a long time. they loved you so, your mom did a great thing today, but, you already know that. i feel so honored to call them my friends.
It's been three years since you left us, but you memory still lives strong. May you watch over all who still remain and I'll see you when I get there.Godspeed! Rest in Peace.
Rodney Dorilus
Atlanta Police Department
Hey Rick,
It has been a while now and you have been on my mind. I hope that someday we will be hanging out again and shootin the breeze like we did in the academy on those crisp mornings before PT. You are forever a part of me and how I police. I miss ya man and I wish we had more time to just hang out after work and tell our stories. You have left a lot of memories with all of us but those memories are just the pictures we keep in our hearts until we meet again. Even though your time is done here your a TROOPER in the truest sense of the word. Thanks Buddy,I will miss ya man.
Steve Boyden
Villa Rica PD
I know that I never met you or your family. But as I was looking through this site I remembered hearing about your unfortunate tour of duty. I am originally from NC but lived in GA for a while and still have family in GA. They had told me of the incident and they were voicing their concerns to me of my profession because of it. I would just like to say may God Bless You!!! You gave the ultimate sacrifice and I Thank You.
From reading what your family has left on this page for you, it sounds like you have a loving family. I would like to say to them that my thoughts and prayers are with you. All of you sound like great loving people and don't forget the good times you all had with John. That's what keeps you going each and every day. It's hard for us to understand why something like this happens. But from reading the stories of when he would let the under privledged children play with his patrol car....well...he may of just saved someone else's life by doing that. By showing that Police Officers aren't the bad guys. We will never know how many lives that John touched, but I would be willing to bet he touched quite a few.
God Bless You and Your Family.
Your Brother in Law Enforcement
Patrolman Ralph "Bo" Morgan
Versailles Police Department (KY)
I am siting here thinking about 2 years ago when you called in March to pick on me and tell me how old I was getting. I was only turning 30. You thought that was so funny. I told you just wait you will be turning 30 soon. Well on July 22 you would have been 30. and all I can do is sit here and miss you awful. My little brother who I love so much and miss more than any one could possibly imagine. Well I now you are safe and you are watching over us. I love you bro
Love always your sister Kim
On July 22nd, l969 you were brought into this world and you would have been 30 yrs old this week. I think of you every day my son and thank God for the beautiful years that we did have together. You were taken away from me and your sister at such a young age and I know that you would still be living your life to the fullest. You were a special person and such a loving individual. We miss you so much and just saying a "Happy 30th" and I know that you are watching all of us and that you will celebrate with Rusty and all of your other brothers up there. Love always and always from your MOM. July 22, l999 Also, remember to say Happy Birthday to Grampa too, because you both were born on the same day.
Dear Rick, It has been over 18 months now and I still can't and won't forget that day. I remember it like it was yesterday. Myself and Kevin Otts were up in the highlands out on our lunch when the call came up. We were so close that I think we were the fourth and fifth cars on the scene. I can barely write this. Anyway, I know you are in good hands with God and I know everyday that I get in my car on evening watch that you are there with all of us. I remember going strait for the front door of that bastards house when you must have hit me over the head with some sense and I covered the back until SWAT 26'd. We all still miss you everyday and think of you. Don't worry about Danielle, We will always take care of her for you. If she ever needs anything I know I will always be there. God bless you Rick, I'll see you soon.
Officer J.T. Bentley
Atlanta PD
Rick, it has been eighteen long months now and it seems like it happened just yesterday. I pray in my heart every day for you but I know that you are watching over us every day. Now that Rusty is there with you, the both of you are making the world a better place. My Son, I will never forget you and you will be with me every day of my life. I love you my Son, and always will. No one will ever come between the love a mother has for her "SON". Take care and watch over all. Love your Mom and Stepdad
It's been almost 2 years since Rick was killed, but several days ago I had memory of him, that put me back those 2 years. My best friend and officer Gary Free and I were remembering a funny story. I asked Gary "who told you that story?" He thought for a moment about it, then started to look a little mournful. He said, "I think Sowa told me that." It was very sobering. We were in the car, so we drove by where Sowa and Cocciolone had been shot. We should all make an effort to never forget those we know who have been lost.
Officer Michelle Priestly
Dearest Son and Best friend, It has been almost 15 mos since you lost your life and I know that you are that special angel watching over each and every one of us every day. You were my son and most of all my best friend. You are in hour hearts and prayers every day. Love Your Mom
Rick was my cousin. He was a wonderful person. He treated my brother, my sister, and I like we
were his siblings and not his cousins. I was fortunate that I got to spend a lot of time with
Rick because I attend Georgia State. He would pick me up on weekends and we would do whatever.
He was just so much fun to be around, he always had a smile on his face, even when he woke up
in the morning. He was the type of person that could make anyone laugh. That is why it is so
hard to understand why god had to take him?? He is so greatly missed it is unbelievable. I
think about him everyday and how my life would be different if this man had not violently taken
my cousin's life. Rick had so many dreams and goals. Unfortunately he only got to fulfill one
major one, and that was to become a police officer. That was always Rick's dream and I am so
happy that he had a chance to serve the community as he wanted to. At least we all know that
when Rick's life was taken he was happy because he was doing what he wanted to do. Rick had an
amazing funeral but it was so well deserved!! Everywhere I go I carry Rick with me. I now think
of him as my guardian angel and feel that he will pull me through my hard times. He is watching
over all of us. He is protecting us and taking care of us. His memory will always live on and
he will always be greatly missed. He will always be in my heart. Rick is still very much alive
to me.
Slickster, I love ya buddy - Blowlene
Jolene Stewart
Rick was my cousin. I miss him so much, he was like a brother to me, my sister and brother.
We were always very close growing up. I was down in Atlanta visiting with my sister and
visiting with Rick and Danielle, his wife, who is now a widow at 24 years old. It is just such a
tragedy when any officer loses their life. But why did Rick have to go?? He was only 28 years
old... He never had the chance to have a child?? He had only been married for 1 year and 5
months!!! I know that life is not fair and that God has his reasons for his actions but WE ALL
MISS HIM so much!!! Everyday I think about him and why it was him?? But if not him then it would
have been someone else and I do not wish it to have happened to anyone else. It is such a
tragedy for any one family to face. It was such a senseless act of violence... I just dont
understand how a human can impose such violence on another human. Something is wrong in society
if cops are dying almost everyday...
I have such an appreciation for cops because they put their lives on the line for us as
civilians and why??? Is it for the love of the job? The adrenalin? The excitement? I guess only
a cop could answer that question. I do know that Rick died doing what he loved to do most and
that was being a cop... It is so weird not to be able to call him and have him cheer me up. He
was always making these hilarious comments just about anything. He had a great personality and
sense of humor. He made such a difference in his community where he worked. Some people who
came to his wake were his barber, who talked about having to do Rick's hair for him exactly the
way he liked it, convienence store workers from his community who loved it when Officer Sowa
would drop in. Rick would go to places where underprivileged children lived and let them play
with his car to show them that someone cared. This is just a few examples of an amazing person,
cop, husband, son...
It is not easy when you wake up everyday and hope that is was all a nightmare that one of
your family members was not really murdered in cold do you even except that, a
family member being murdered???? I can say the words but I have not excepted them. Sometimes I
still think that Rick will call me and we will talk about when I was down visiting with them. I
spent the day with him before he passed away. That is one day I will cherish for the rest of my
life... What he said what he was doing. I can tell you word for word what he said and every
action he made that day... His funeral was amazing, it is everything that he would have wanted.
We were in a 12 mile procession to the church. Then as family stepped out of the limos, walked
up a path to find about 1,000 police officers standing there saluting us and then to walk
through the honor guard up these stairs to stand above the ground and watched the Emerald City
Group from NYC parade in playing amazing grace by bag pipes, and then to watch them bring Rick's
casket inside by the honor guard and then the service. After the service we stood in the same
area and watched them bring Rick's casket outside and take the flag off. The honor guard folded
it and handed it to Rick's Chief, Beverly Harvard, and she presented it to Danielle, and then
they played taps while they placed Rick in the hearse and then the missing man formation flew
over head with was amazing. I could go on about the description down to the
last detail but it makes me cry to think of it. Rick was an outstanding human being, he made
people laugh. I just want to say to Rick I love you and may god keep you safe.......
Jennifer Collins
My only brother Rick. How much I love and miss him. He was a wonderful person and I miss him so
very much. I wish I could just hug him one more time and tell him how much I love him. I will
never get the chance to have a nephew or niece to spoil and love. God Rick I miss you so
deeply. I am still waiting, my dear brother, for my rainbow. Rick I love and miss you.
Your sister Kim
John (Rick) was one of the greatest guys I have ever met. We worked together throughout our high school years and we would day dream of the day that we would get hired to a police department. Rick got on in Atlanta while I went to college. I lost track of him because of the distance between us. But when I had heard of his death, a piece of me died as well that October day. I was afraid to continue on with my search to find job as a police officer for fear that I might encounter the same fate as Rick. But then I realized how strong his spirt was within me, which only increased my intesity to find a position with some police department.
I think of Rick often, especially as I take police tests. I only hope and pray that I may follow in your footsteps to become the officer that you were. I will never forget you!
May the Jesus Christ watch over your soul and over Daniel as well.
Your friend,
Russ Francis
My prayers and thoughts are with the family, friends and colleagues of Officer Sowa. If you need support, please join us at the Officer Down Memorial Page Survivor's Group. The support found there is tremendous and it's for everyone effected by the, friends and colleagues.
SA Darin L. Paul
FBI Agents Association
I feel the ocean breeze and I know you are there
I see the sun rise and I know that you care
You're really not all that far away
A tear on my cheek or a thought through the day
Just know that your memory will never die
Our love goes on even after goodbye
So take care my friend and just simply know
The memories of us we will never let go.
Dedicated to the family of this fine officer. May God bless and keep each of you and I hope that it gets easier for you.
Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC