Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer II Mark Arlin Stall

Boise Police Department, Idaho

End of Watch Saturday, September 20, 1997

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Reflections for Police Officer II Mark Arlin Stall


Your portrait is now hanging in the hallway by the briefing room, along with the other Deputies killed in the line of duty here at West Hollywood Station.

Seeing that picture brings back so many good memories of when you were here. I rememeber when Fred Vaughn and I threw the M-80's up into the parking lot where you and Brian Hickey were writing paper; and how mad the two of you were at us! The two of you came scrambling down the ramp, guns out, thinking that you were taking rounds...only to find two of your shift mates laughing at the bottom!

The artist that painted your portrait caught the trademark 'cat got the canary' smile perfectly.

You are still remembered by the few of us that are still here at WHD that worked with you. My trainees are tasked on their first week here to research how you lived, and how you died.

When someone asks me about your picture, I say, "He was my partner, and more importantly, my friend"

"We Few; We happy few; We Band of Brothers; for whoever sheds his blood with me shall be my Brother"

Deputy Joseph Abercromby
Senior Field Training Officer
West Hollywood Patrol Station
Los Angeles Sheriff's Department

Deputy Joseph Abercromby
Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept

October 12, 2006

My thoughts are with your loved ones and close friends on this 9th anniversary of your end of watch. Even after almost a decade I know their broken hearts still shed tears. They will never forgoet you nor will the Blue Family ever let that happen. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol who are watching over the Thin Blue Line. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Gold Star Father

September 20, 2006

I just received an email the other day regarding my 20th high school reunion and saw that their was a memorial page for our friends. I couldn't believe it when I saw Mark's name on the page. I regret not keeping in touch with my high school friends, it's hard when you move away. Mark and I were friends throughout our 4 years of high school and happened to walk home together almost daily! I remember stopping at the 7-11 for slushies. I remember running along the railroad tracks throwing rocks. I didn't know that Mark's life had taken him into law enforcement or to another part of the country as well. I never knew his wife or children. It's been 20 years since I've seen Mark and my heart is still breaking for his family. It's rare to find people who make a difference in the lives of so many - Mark was a wonderful guy in high school. I am sure he turned into a wonderful man and father. My prayers, thoughts, and love are being sent to his family - I only wish I knew sooner so I could send support then. I lost my mother this last year unexpectedly - and nothing prepares you for life without your loved one. Knowing that God has an ultimate plan helps - and seeing that Mark's law enforcement family still helps his family today is a sure sign that there ARE reasons for meeting people and having them influence your life, great or small. May God Bless You Stall family - I wish I had met you.

Teresa (Simons) Ziakas - Class of 1986 Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, CA

Teresa Ziakas

February 23, 2006

well man it's been some time sence i left you a message (sorry) I wanted to tell you thank you for being next to me that scary night.My partner and I were on patrol when we seen two men fighting we stoped to break it up when one man ran to his car,I gave chase and befor I could relize he was coming at us,I drew my wepon and fired, 4 feet before being run over I was moved and set a side. I know deep in my heart it was you and many more hero's watching over me that night. Thank you brother in blue

October 16, 2005

Mark, it has now been over 8 years. This years anniversary was especially hard as it marked that I have been without you now as long as I was blessed to be with you. It is such a blessing to have your police family envelope me in their thoughts and prayers, and share with me their precious memories of you. You are not forgotten, now will you ever be. The girls are doing so great, and you would be so proud, I can still here you boasting to every person that would listen to you about your girls. We are always missing you, but so thankful for all the memories.

September 27, 2005


It's been a while brother! But that doesn't mean you've benn forgotten. Oh, quite the contrary my friend.

I'm sure you remember those nights we rode together in West Hollywood. I remember, and I have always remembered you! I still work at West Hollywood with several other old dogs. I just wanted to let you and your family know that your heroism, bravery and great spirit will NEVER be forgotten by those of us that worked with you here.

Although I pray for you and your family again today, I know all of you are alright. Just by reading the beautiful words your wife Cheryl writes about you, I know how much she loved and adored you.

The story of your magnificient bravery on that horrible Saturday night will NEVER be forgotten. Even though some of us may have a few years on us now, yours is a memory that will NEVER fade!


September 20, 2005

When I managed a restaurant, Mark would come in and purchase some cookies. He complained about not having milk on the menu to go with the cookies. One of my employees, without my knowledge, bought some pints of milk for you the next time you came in. She took a risk by doing this. If we had milk in our refrigerator and not on the menu, we would have gotten a low rating during that inspection. Mark, there is now milk on the menu. I would also like to let you and your family know just how important you were to me. During the summer of 1997, you and I talked about how I could get on board with the Boise Police Department. You told me that I should apply with the Department of Correction and then try getting on with the reserve program after two years of expierience. I delayed in my decision. After the shooting in September, I applied and was hired with the Idaho Department of Correction. To date, I am still with the department and strive to be every bit of an officer within the community that you showed me. Thank you and God Bless you.

Correctional Officer Todd Jackson
Idaho Department of Corrections

July 2, 2005


I happened to be in Boise when this happened to you. My heart ached when I heard the news on the television. I grew up in Boise but I live in Arizona now and have been with the Phoenix police Department for 20 years. I have lost 7 of my friends who were officers during the past 20 years. You are Boise's first and I know that everyone will always honor your memory. Regardless if we knew each other or not, we have a brotherhood that most people don't understand. My friends are there with you now and when you can tell them hello for me, especially Don Schultz and John Domblisky. Take care my friend.

Sergeant Kelly Frizzell
Phoenix Police Department

March 30, 2005

I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.

A hero never dies...

Rest in peace, hero.

December 29, 2004


I worked with you when we were both on the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in West Hollywood. You and I both spoke about leaving there and moving somewhere to be safe for our families and to be police officers. I left before you and moved to Las Vegas. I was very upset when I heard of your untimely death at the hands of two persons that only wanted to fulfill their own death wish.

I did not know of this website until recently, or I would have responded far quicker then now. I remember getting the news when it happened and I put that black band on my badge, telling everyone about you, whenever anyone asked why it was there.

My heart goes out to your family still some seven years after your passing. I still have the picture of you and I taken during the "riots" in Hollywood and it never fails to bring a smile to my face.

Take care of yourself my friend, and God Bless your family.

Mike Thomas

Police Officer Michael Thomas
Clark County School District Police

November 23, 2004

Mark, it has been 7 years ago today since you went home to be with the Lord. The girls and I still miss you everyday. I know that you must be so proud of them, you always were. We had a 'memorial/celebration of your life' today at the station. It is great to see so many of the law enforcement family continue to remember and honor you. I am so thankful for the care and love they have shown our family. Thank you for being a wonderful man of integrity and honor. I am blessed for having been your wife.

September 20, 2004

I was on my way home that unforgetfull night, When I heard you had fallen.I have famlie that works with you.I wanted to let you know something. Ever one had put flowers on that cornner to remember you and your bravory. I had went down to see how all was going. When I descoverd people had put some crosses up for those two men. I ran out in the middle of the street and riped them out of the ground and left them to lay.3 bpd officers&news reporters claped and huged me. I wish your famlie the best.I will walk my beat and "Mark"please watch over me.


July 8, 2004

It is hard to believe it has been almost seven years since you started guarding Heaven's Gates. I remember hearing of the tragedy that ended your watch that September night and thinking to myself, "It can't be the Mark Stall I went to high school with! He is such a gentle person and this is such a tragic incident." I immediately began thinking about the times we spent together in class and the friendship you showed me. Mark, I feel truly priveleged to know you. I am sorry we didn't keep in touch after high school, especially since we both chose the same career path. I am sure we will meet again and I look forward to working a shift with you at Heaven's Gates.

Sgt. Patrick Corso
Santa Clara County Department of Correction

May 4, 2004

Mark, it has been close to 6 1/2 years since you were taken away from me and the girls. We all miss you every single day, and remember the wonderful husband and father you were. I know that you must be so proud of our precious daughters and how much the have grown into such smart and pretty young ladies. They definately got the smart part from you!! As they get older they talk about you more and more, and are so hungry to hear more and more stories about their hero, you. We love you dearly and nothing can ever take that away from us. We miss you with every breath that we take, and look forward to the wonderful reunion we will have with you someday.
Your loving wife,

February 12, 2004

Officer Mark Stall,
Your Sacrafice will not be forgotten, Rest In Peace.

The Final Inspection

The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep....
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't.....I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."

California Highway Patrol

November 28, 2003

Rest easy BLUE ANGEL, you are not forgotten.


November 15, 2003

Mark, your headstone reads," A hero to us--your wife, daughters and family Adored, prayed for, sung about, longed for Your daughters hold you up high Your wife was blessed to have you as her loving husband You were a father and husband who loved us more than life itself Yes, you are our hero--today, tomorrow, and forever For being part of our lives, and for being who you were Was God's gift to us for earth's short while and for eternity We love you always." You will always be our hero, not for how you died, but for how you lived!!


November 6, 2003

I am part way through a book that has recently been published about the life and death of officer Stall called Fallen Brother in Blue. This book was written by his father-in-law, Arnold Rubey. While sometimes difficult for me to read I strongly recommend it to anyone. Mark was clearly one of the good guys. He lived his life right and set a great example for the citizens that he served.

To the family and friends of Officer Stall, I am truly sorry that you have lost your husband, your father, Your son and/oryour friend. I take some comfort knowing that because of the kind of person mark was here there is a special plan for him in God's Kingdom.

To Mark, You are truly a hero, To me, to your family to your fellow officers in Boise and to the citizen's that you served in both Boise and in LA County. You touched many lives while with us in mortality and you continue to touch many in your passing.

Rest in peace brother and I look forward to shaking your hand when My time also comes.

Chief Travis Eynon
Umatilla Oregon PD



It's been 5 years and still the emotions in our people run deep. You see it in subtle ways and hear it in quiet conversations. The death of Mark Stall has changed us forever. No longer are we invincible, and no longer are our families immune from the specter of death in the line of duty --all this as a microcosm of an increasingly violent and unstable world. We are not safe. When will the next shoe drop and the next beautiful life be taken?
Yet Mark's family has remained steadfast in their faith and in the sure confidence that there is more involved than the murder of their beloved Mark. They have showed us the meaning of faith in God -- confidence that He is good and is at work in this inexplicable horror.
It is a profound truth that Mark is gone, but he is almost more present than before. His team mates and supervisors carry something with them now that they never had before. I can't put a label on it, but it is there and it is heavy and it is important.
We will never know in this life why this was allowed to be. But I am deeply moved by the depth of character and faith displayed by Mark's family. And perhaps we too, can move forward with our own horrors, big and small.


Stall Family,
I have attempted to write several times. Each time I sit down and try, I begin to cry. Today, the 18th of September, would have been my daughter Kendra's birthday. Nine years ago, she laid deceased in my arms. From that moment I realized how important family is to me.
Five years ago on September 20th, my partner Officer Mark Stall laid deceased in my arms. From that moment, my world has changed.
Mark and rode together several times as a two-man unit. We really enjoyed working the street together. We would stop at all the gas stations and talk with everyone. I do not know who could talk more, Mark or I. We would eat lots of ice cream and sing lots of songs. Every now and then we would also do some work. We would talk about living in California and about how he really wanted to get his family out of the "mess". My father retired from the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department and wanted to get his family out of the "mess" also. Mark and I loved to challenge other officers to games at a substation and play jokes towards each other. I will never forget the day he stuffed my car with shredded paper.
Even though it has been five years, I can honestly say that not a day goes by that I do not think about that senseless night. Marks last words where spoken directly to me, words of Love,God and Family. Words that have true meaning to parents,spouses,children and family. Words that have been past onto the Stall family.
Mark Stall was a teacher. Mark once again taught me how important family is, having a faith is and enjoying everyday on this earth. Marks family, are the strongest people that I have ever known. I am honored and proud to say that I can call Marks Family, part of My Family.
My world has changed, but thanks to Mark, it has changed for the better.
Robert M. Berrier
Boise Police Department

Officer Robert M. Berrier
Boise Police Department

This letter was written last year, on the 4th anniversary.

September 18, 2001

Dear Mark,

This week will be four years since you lost the poker hand on the coffee machine and had to buy for the rest of us. Did you know that a Queen-high hand is now called a "Stall Hand" and an automatic winner?

This week will be four years since we heard you laugh in the locker room, seeing pictures of your girls in angel outfits inside your locker door. As a matter of fact, we saw Jo with grandpa Arnold at the Sizzler last week, celebrating her 10th birthday. She has replaced her wings with eyeglasses, but when she smiles her halo glows as brightly as ever. Arnold now leads our police officer Bible study and gives each of us strength and knowledge as we struggle to understand God's Divine Plan.

Police work is about the same here, as a matter of fact, you still log-on with a bunch of us and ride-along every night. Funny thing though, you don't get subpoenas on the arrests. As a Department, we're moving into Community Policing. It looks a lot like the way you worked, handling people's problems and caring about the victims. Speaking of caring, tell Pete Cowles hello for us, we're sure he's got you golfing at least once a week. Did Pete ever learn to putt? Golfing with you two again will be a hoot, especially when listening to who has the funniest joke!

This week will be four years since we choked back our tears at losing you as a brother officer. We are wearing black bands on our badges and choking back tears again, at the loss of hundreds of cops and firefighters last week. The horrific picture of twin towers falling on them, as they strived to save people, is etched in our memories forever. Hug all the new arrivals, and thank them for making the supreme sacrifice while serving and protecting, just as you did. We will not let the memory fade of what all of you did in the service of others.

Save a place for the rest of us left behind, and know that we will remain faithful to the Cause.


The Deep Nights Team

P.S. As an old friend, would you do us a favor? As you sit at the foot of His Throne, could you ask Him to give us a little help? Thanks buddy, we appreciate it.

Lieutenant Mike Majors
Boise Police Department

Five years have passed and each of has continued with our lives and careers. Yet, there is not a day which passes when I wear this uniform in which I am not reminded of Mark. It might be the memorial pictures which are scattered from dispatch to officers lockers, it could be seeing Mark logged on as the silent partner to an officer in the field or it might also be the sad reminder of another officer who gives his life in the protection of the nation he serves. However, my favored reminders of Mark are in the acts of kindness I see an officer give to others. While Mark's greatest legacy is the love of his family he will never be forgotten by the officers he worked with or the many who's lives he touched. He used his time on earth to truly dedicate his life to helping others. I will always remember Mark with admiration not just for the ideals he held but for the committment he showed in putting his beliefs first.

Lt. William Bones
Boise Police Department

Cheryl and family, it doesn't seem possible that five years have nearly gone by since this terrible night. Mark and I spent many years together working graveyard shifts as partners on the weekends. During the time of this tragedy I had just switched shifts and was now working the other graveyard team. Because of this I didn't have much of a chance to talk to Mark before this tragic event. This is something I still regret.
Cheryl I still remember the first time I met you. You did a ride-a-long with me while Mark took another one of your family members. You kept quizzing me to make sure I remembered your name. I kept on forgetting and you would have to remind me. Finally I remembered and told you "Cheryl", you quickly corrected me and told me that it was "Mrs. Stall." I knew right away what a great sense of humor you had and what a treasure you were to Mark.
This great sense of humor is what Mark had as well which I will always remember about him. He loved to play practical jokes on the other officers. Mark was also well known for his singing. Mark and I would turn on the "Classic Rock" radio station and sing the tunes together. I am sure many citizens of Boise wondered what wrong wrong with the two officers who were singing in a police car at the top of their lungs. Mark's favorite song was "Lola" from the Kinks. He stated that this song was their "theme song" when he worked for Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Mark was stationed in Hollywood Blvd and had made numerous contacts with people like "Lola" who "walked like a woman, but talked like a man." Every time I hear this song I have to smile and think of those good times we had working together.
I guess what I am saying through all of this rambling is that we have not forgot what a wonderful police officer, husband, and friend Mark was. He is very much missed by all of us.

Det. Monte Iverson
Boise Police Department



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