United States Department of Justice - Immigration and Naturalization Service - United States Border Patrol, U.S. Government
End of Watch Saturday, June 14, 1997
Reflections for Border Patrol Agent Stephen Clay Starch
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I think about you often Brother. Please watch over us and welcome our fallen Brothers and Sisters into Heaven.
SPA L. Keith Weeks
January 26, 2008
Thank you for taking the time to work with a difficult guy like me. You had an eternal impact on my life. I often think of you as a "Barnabus"...one of the most encouraging, big-hearted people I've ever know...I'd never be where I am today without your influence....I miss you greatly and pray for your loved ones. When I get to heaven, you'll be one of the first people I thank...God Bless You
October 29, 2007
10 years and I think of you daily. Reading the reflections here today made me think of what an eternal impact that you had on those around you. The guys from ECJ still go up every year and remember you at the Cross. What a testament to who you were and what you meant. I was looking at the picture of you with a string of fish that is up at the Cross and it made me smile. A good friend, a good son, a good brother, a good husband, a good Christian Witness, and a good Agent....what more can you ask to be remember for? Watch over us Brother until we see you again.
Senior Patrol Agent L. Keith Weeks
United States Border Patrol
August 4, 2007
Stephen is greatly missed!
July 10, 2007
Thank you Agent Starch for giving your life to make this world a better place. Keep a watch over your family, friends and co-workers. Rest in peace.
911 Dispatcher
June 14, 2007
G-d bless you and your loved ones.
June 14, 2007
Wow, its 2 days till the 10th year since your sacrifice for your country. I didn't get to make it back home for the funeral those many years ago. I didn't even get the chance to share in the memories of friends and family to mourn your passing from our lives. We never kept in touch after graduation from Cooper, I ran off to college, then on to Ohio and lost all contact with home and where I'm from. I look forward to the day when I can again see you in Glory. I tell so many people that you and Trace Bailey are the only 2 men ever to put hands between my butt cheeks and live! We were a team like no other in those days. Quarterback and Center it all began with you and I, the game lay in our hands so many times. I knew you would always serve in some way or fashion and its kinda of funny I serve today for the last 9 years in law enforcement. Stephen some of the most important things from High School that I take with me every day are the words you spoke often, "come on Jay Don lets get it done" I miss ya buddy and I share your testimony and memory often to others. Know that your legacy in Christ will live on until his coming. I'll see ya in the air! -Jay Don
Jay Don McCann
Friend/High School Football Player
June 12, 2007
hey stephen
I just recently found out taht you had gone to be with Jesus. I don't think there has been a day go by that I haven't thought about you. I wanted to thank you for all that you did to help me when I was struggling in school (back in 1992)...you really went out of your way to help and encourage me and I'll always be grateful to you for that. You were always praying for me and encouraging me in the Lord and really led by example when almost everyone else gave up on me...you made a real difference to me.
I would like everyone to know that Stephen was one of the best Christians (and one of the best men) I've ever known. You and your family are in my prayers
I love you
scott ross
friend from college
February 15, 2007
I told my wife last night about my memories working with you while serving as a PA. I don't even remember why you came up but it was cathartic. It was also emotional, as I recalled my last day working ECJ, and later parting ways with the majority of my gear to you. You were a righteous person, and made and continue to make everyone a better LEO. For that I am very thankful to you.
God bless your family. Keep watch over us all and we'll carry on until our EOW.
SA Stephen Shaw
November 28, 2006
Steve, I for some reason I was thinking about you today and just wanted to leave you a note. It's been nine years since you passed, and I still remember your funeral like it was yesterday. It was my first line-of-duty death since I had become a LEO, and it was mind-numbing.
Also, I still talk about us playing for the city championship in baseball. You're the only guy I have ever heard of that broke an aluminum bat, and it was while hitting a game-winning homer!! If there was an all-century team in Dixie League, you'd be the starting catcher. We miss you, buddy, and say "hey" to Rodney Kendricks and Kevin Cox while you're up there. You're one of the best guys I ever knew.
Sgt Phil Johnson, Lubbock PD
Sgt Phil Johnson
Lubbock PD
July 24, 2006
Today marks the 9th year anniversary of your passing. Although I did not have the opportunity to know you well, your loss has affected me deeply. Nine years ago today, I and others responded to the call to render you aid. We did everything we could to keep you with us. While on the mountain and by your side, I can remember praying out loud with fellow Agents for the family and friends you had left behind. Through your friends, I was able to see just how special you really are and how many lives you had touched. As that fateful day began to darken, I already knew that you would be forever missed and this tragic day would never be forgotten.
Until we meet again,
Senior Patrol Agent Ronald M. Hunter Jr.
United States Border Patrol
June 14, 2006
I know you remember me and my incoragable roommate Chuck Sill from class two nine fiiiiive! I remember you with great reverence and enjoyed the times spent with you in Glynco, GA. Stephen's most memorable statement regarding myself and BPA Sill "Screw you two para-military bastards", a reference to Sill and My Army service. We laughed ourselves silly for days after Stephen said that. I also have a great photo of Sill, Stephen and I at graduation day from BPA academy if someone is interested.
Bret Campbell
February 26, 2006
As I was holding my 6-day old daughter tonight with my wife and 5-year old gathered around me close, I was reminded of how blessed I am that I have life and freedom and have the luxury of sharing these times with my family. For some reason, Stephen's name came up in a family conversation tonight and my 5-year old asked me who Stephen was. Now that she understands, she knows who Stephen Starch is. I wanted to find a picture of him to show my daughter, and I happened to find one on this site to show her.
I cannot believe it's been over 8 years since my friend Stephen has been gone. As his friend, former roommate and fishing buddy, I remember many fishing trips we took in our college years, the double dates and roomate years, and talks we had about the Lord and our 'pilgrimage' in this life - many good memories. I just wanted everyone reading this to know what a great man he was. I also am confident of where he is today!
This is also a note to all the men & women dedicated to protecting our borders - God bless you! Seek to be sure you have confidence in your future!
Jay Holcombe
Friend - Lubbock, Tx
Jay Holcombe
August 22, 2005
Agent Starch,
On today, the 8th anniversary of your death, I would like to say thank you for your service to our Country and to the Patrol. As a fellow BPA, I know what we go through.
June 14, 2005
Stephen it has been over five years since you were called home to be with God. You are missed and we think and talk of you often at the station. You left us too early but your impact is still strong. I know that you are up there fishing, hunting and laughing mightily. Keep a watch out for us Brother.
Senior Patrol Agent L. Keith Weeks
United States Border Patrol
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