Denver Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Tuesday, April 1, 1997
Reflections for Police Officer Ronald Leon DeHerrera
Thank you for your smile on Sunday Kiddo....Your Spirit Soars! With Love....Your Aunt Chris
Christine Borrego
RON's Aunt
January 26, 2004
Rest in peace Blue Angel, you are not forgotten.
December 7, 2003
I never dreamed it would be me,
My name for all eternity
Recorded here at this hollowed place
Alas my name, no more face
"In the Line of Duty" I hear them say
My family now the price to pay
My folded flag stained with there tears
We only had those few short years.
The Badge no longer on my chest
I sleep now in eternal rest
My sword I pass to those behind,
And pray the keep this tought in mind
I never dreamed it would be me
And on my heavy heart and bended knee
I ask for all those hear from the past,
Dear GOD let my name be the last.
(author unknown)
People come and people go - some are bankers others police officers. Since your very untimley death, 2 more of Denver's officers have been taken. 2 with years of experience. They got to be police officers...they got to strut their stuff. You only had your one dream come true. God allowed you to realize what it was to be pinned a Denver Police Officer.
Does everyone know about the time you spent in the Service protecting our Country? Does everyone know that you served the Federal Protection Agency (federal police)protectinng the governments prizes so proudly? Does everyone know that you loved everyone you met deeply? Does everyone know that you cared genuinely for your fellow man and refused to see them suffer? Do they know that you kept dollars in your pocket to give to those who begged in case one of them was Jesus? Do they know that Denver lost one of the best, compassionate, loving cops on that force. A replacement will be long coming. NO - your colleauges have forgotten you. it seems you made little difference to them. You were just a Rookie Cop how could you be a hero?
Another Cop that knew you since Jr. High - Adams County.
I know what the world lost.
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out of the door, I would hug you and kiss you and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time I heard your name lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play it back for days.
If I knew it would be the last time to spare an extra minute or two, I'd stop and say "I love you," Instead of assuming that you know I do. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day.
Well, I'm sure you'll have many more, So, I'll let this one slip away.
For surely there is tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we'll always get a second chance to make everything all right.
There will be another chance to say our "I love you's," and certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's ".
But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you and hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, and today might be your last chance to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it all today?
For if tomorrow never comes, You will surely regret the day, that you didn't take the extra time for a smile or hug or kiss.
And you're surely too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today and whisper in their ear.
Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear.
Take the time to say "I'm sorry, please forgive me, Thank you or It's OK", and if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.
Apologize and start anew and tell the one who loves you, that you love them too!
Now OBVIOUSLY the person that sent this to you loves you, maybe as a friend, maybe as more. But pass it along to all your friends, and be sure to send it to the person that took the time to sent it to you, because you never know when this day will be your last.
> If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep,
> I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord your soul to keep.
> If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out of the
> I would hug you and kiss you and call you back for one more.
> If I knew it would be the last time I heard your name lifted up in
> I would video tape each action and word, so I could play it back for
> If I knew it would be the last time to spare an extra minute or two,
> I'd stop and say "I love you," Instead of assuming that you know I do.
> If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day.
> Well, I'm sure you'll have many more, So, I'll let this one slip away.
> For surely there is tomorrow to make up for an oversight,
> and we'll always get a second chance to make everything all right.
> There will be another chance to say our "I love you's,"
> and certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's ".
> But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get,
> I'd like to say how much I love you and hope we never forget.
> Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
> and today might be your last chance to hold your loved one tight.
> So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it all today?
> For if tomorrow never comes, You will surely regret the day,
> that you didn't take the extra time for a smile or hug or kiss.
> And you're surely too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be
> their last wish.
> So hold your loved ones close today and whisper in their ear.
> Tell them how much you love them and that you'll always hold them dear.
> Take the time to say "I'm sorry, please forgive me, Thank you or It's
> and if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.
> Apologize and start anew and tell the one who loves you,
> that you love them too!
> Now OBVIOUSLY the person that sent this to you loves you, maybe as a
> maybe as more. But pass it along to all your friends, and be sure to
it to
> the person that took the time to sent it to you, because you never know
> this day will be your last.
Denver recently lost another one of it's finest. Since my father was a cop it hurts everytime a cop is taken. I remember your case better that any of the rest. I guess because you lived for a week and the others died on the spot. Your story was also the saddest in my memory.
A funny thing happened to me the other day. I was at the cemetary at a relative's funeral. All I could do was think about you that day except I couldn't remember your name. It was so weird.
After the services at the end of the lot I saw the many people who had parked on that side looking at your headstone and signing themselves. I usually would not go look but for some reason I did. It was you and you were smiling at me and your eyes followed me every direction I moved in.
I was so touched by the feeling that was left inside of me that I decdied to write about it. There is no dooubt that you are with the higher power. I know you're asking me to do something and it will come to me in some way and it will be done.
You died protecting the citizens of Denver from the very individual that killed you. I'm so sorry. The racial issue that developed after you were killed was ridiculous and the people resonsible for creating it will pay a heavy price for what they did. I can say this because I am African-American. My family and I are so ashamed of what the African-American Community did to your family, your friends in blue and the Denver Police Department. As I say, they will pay.
Thank you for trusting me to do an errand for you. I'll be ready when I recognize it and it will be done.
A friend you never met, yet there's an attachment.
Fred Carter
Concerned Citizen
3 1/2 years ago and we still remember you. Someone said that you're not dead until you're forgotten. Your very much alive.
My son:
It is Memorial Day 2000. It's killing me. I miss you and your little quick remarks so very much. I still beg for the time to sit and talk with you and expain things. I'm sure you know my heart better than I do and you know that it is forever smashed, not broken, that would be too easy...I have a heart that will be smashed and pained forever. Your memory brings me joy and it brings me misery. I am not the same person I used to be. That's good. I am more understanding now...I listen so much better...I mentor so well...I have my priorities straight. Yes, I like me better than the big time TV Executive I used to be. You changed me completely. I work...but it's not what I used to do. I left all the politics and all the prima donna stuff where it belongs, in a world that is filled with lies and pettiness. I'm OK where I'm at. Telecommunications is the place to be anyway. Knowing you you would have DSL and I would have something to do with placing your loop or making sure your address qualifies.
You left me a beautiful memory of a son who was so proud of who he was and how he lived his life. If I could emulate what you were all about. Never a bad word said about anybody always taking care of the underdog. My son. A son of average intelligence who worked his way up (by himself) and left so many people with pride that you produced. Even in death people are proud. I watched the parade of people going to yuor grave one day. Never mind how I got there, just another one of my brilliant moves. Son...people are non-stop at your memorial. All sad because what happened to you didn't have to happen. But when GOD said "come with me - I will take you to your mansion in the sky" you fought. You didn't want to go. Then one night as I sat singing your songs to you, the most beautiful feeling of peace and an unexplainable aura grew in the room and I knew this was GOD, he wanted you, it was your time to go. Yes son, you saw the face of GOD and said - See Ya. Next day every organ you had stopped working. You left and I knew it. Your Mommie was with you. I can't relive too much more today. I can only take peices at a time.
Last night your twin brother who doesn't care much for cemeteries asked me if I would take him to see you today. He wants you to know his love for you will never cease. He is also going to see your Grandma - let her know, that her Donnie will see her today.
I love you son - my first born son - my literal life - my baby boy A.
When I write again, I don't know. It takes alot of courage to write to your memory. No - I won't be OK's a Ronnie Day, the ones that are hard to live through.
Jeanne Olguin
Not gone...Just gone ahead.
In memory of Ron the neatest guy you'de ever want to know.
Your Friends
My son. It has been 27 months since you left us. The pain is as horrid today as the day we buried you. Many things have happened to our family. Your departure brought about the truth about so many things. You know now just how much you were loved by everyone, but you had no idea when you were alive. I didn't show you that you were so important to me. Please forgive me. When you left me, you left me with three children not four anymore. You'll be happy to know that I am a mucfh better mother than I used to be. I've learned how to share and show my genuine, unconditional love to my children and grandchildren. I pay attention now, the kind I used to pretend to pay. I have your twin brother and he's what I have left of you. Fear not son, he is getting the help he needs.
What people don't relaize is that when your killer killed you, he destroyed so many lives. Lives that we who loved you are trying to put back together. My life will never be the same. I have that hole in my heart that will never be filled and it's my priority feeling. It never leaves me.
I go to your grave often. I keep fresh flowers on it. Oh you have so many visitors. Some knew you, some didn't. But, your story touched their lives and their visits are continuous. The stories people tell me about those who visit you. The deputy sheriff who gets off work and goes and has a beer with you...the girl in the red car who follows the visit to her dead baby by going and saying a few words to you. People still talk about the incident that took you, the first baby ever to adorn my waiting arms. You are a hero. One thing is for sure, you are MY HERO.
I love you son and I'm not sure when I will get the urge to write you again, maybe tomorrow, maybe never again.
Till I see you and hold you in my arms again...just remember that you have always been special. Even in death.
In a perfect world there would be no death, no sickness, no aging, no fat, no skinny, no sorrow, no pain. Just joy. That’s what heaven is and my boy is there. He has a new body that will never get fat. He has a body free of stretch marks. He is as tall as he wants to be or as short as he wants to be. He has a full head of hair if he wants it. None if he doesn’t. He does not need food, not drink to survive. His breath is never bad and he never has to brush his teeth or go to the dentist. He has access to the universe. He can fly at any time to any place he wants and he can travel in light years. He can come back and visit us if he has time or if he really wants to. There is so much pleasure where he’s at that it’s hard for me to imagine that he would come back to this dreary world for anything or any one, including me. But I know he comes a rings my doorbell to let me know he’s in earth’s space and in Colorado. He’s with me when I need him and he is protecting me together with Alis.
He’s not at the monument we built for him. He goes there but only to look at his Mom cry. He sits atop the fireplace with a smile. A smile that will be forever. His Mom’s smile. That smile forever pasted on his face in Heaven because there is nothing to frown at, only things to smile at. He smiles at me now and understands just how very much I love him. He loves me back…strong arms enveloping me while I pray, maybe not arms but wings. His earth image will never be anymore than 32 years old. But, he can become as old as he wants whenever he wants. He is Ronnie. My son. Ronald Leon DeHerrera, who didn’t think I loved him much when he was on earth. My son who got fooled because his mother loves him more than life itself. Save me a place in your mansion son. I don’t need my own, I only want to be with you. In church there is a candle lit to him. Not for him to him. In his honor. Now that he knows the Lord he can intercede with him for the sake of someone still of this earth.
Thirty Minutes of Wonderful
is better than a lifetime of
Nothing Special
Mom, Dad, Brothers, and Sister
Officer DeHerrera,
Thank you for giving us your life.
We'll always remember you. Especially your smile.
Lakewood, CO
God saw he was getting tired,
A cure was not to be
So He put His arms around him
And whispered "come with me."
With tearful eyes we watched him suffer,
And saw him fade away.
Although we loved him dearly,
We could not make him stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hands were put to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
He only takes the best.
Remembering Officer Ronald Leon DeHerrera, Badge #96039 whose death was mourned by the entire
nation. He touched us all. For he gave his life on his second day of duty.
He is with God as the Lord seems to be putting together a whole new police department in the
Officer DeHerrera:
When you left us you left an entire community in mourning. Those that knew you and those who didn't. Tears
flowed from the familiar and unfamiliar. To this date you are a public figure. Yesterday, I was in the Governor's office when he signed "Ron's Law" into effect. So now you have your own law. Almost every day there is mention of you in the paper in one form or another. You must have been a very special person, because reaction to your departure, especially, has never healed the city of Denver, which you served so proudly for those two short days. What an officer you would have made.
Thank you for what you did to this coommunity. Thank you for giving us your life.
There are no words to describe how horrible the pain is when you lose a child. A mother first can't forgive herself for anything she may have done. It eats at her and eats at her. Her regrets are many. Only you don't regret giving birth to the child or caring for it. Those are the happy parts. There is an actual pain. It lives in your heart and shows no signs of ever recovering. The pain that is in you is horrid. It's the pain that makes you cry, makes you never forgive yourself, brings out all of the guilt. You have a surreal feeling that it didn't happen and you can get your baby back tomorrow. No you can't. You can never accept that you will never see that same person again. It hurts, the pain is inconceivable. You grab all the things that used to be his and hold them tight to try and appease the pain. But no, not even his shirt smells like him anymore.
I have to beleive that you are in a better place. I have to believe the bible. I have to believe that you are happy, smiling, exploring universes. Walking with gold shoes on golden roads with a crown on your head and flowers at your feet. If I don't believe that, I won't make it.
I'm writing this, so that every mother who suffers as I do can know that she is not alone. I will always feel the pain. Nothing will ever make it go away. I miss you my baby.
Mommie loves you very much.
Jeanne Olguin
Denver Police Department, CO
Thinking of you, with love , your Aunt Chris
I have never had a story touch me as much as this one has. To the family of this fine officer please let me say that I am deeply sorry for both of your losses. It is my personal prayer that you have peace in your life soon. God Bless each of you.
Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC
At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer. Tonight, April 1, 2003 we dedicated the shift to the memory of P.O. Ronald DeHerrera who died on this date years ago.
When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.
Officer DeHerrera's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC
Rest in peace brother.
Police Officer
Denver Police Department
You are missed greatly by all that new you. As a newer officer I hold great respect for the sacrifice you made. Each time I walk by the FALLEN OFFICER WALL infront of Headquarters I say a silent prayer for all that have been lost. Having a family of my own I pray my family never has to feel the pain. God Bless and Continue Watching over all that go to the streets each night and day.
To the family and friends of Officer DeHerrera: I can tell by reading all of these other reflections just how deeply he touched so many lives. I hope that you have found healing together and will always find comfort in the memories you keep alive. God bless you.
You had dreams, much like i do, of doing good, and helping people. I hope that i will not meet up with the same fate as you, but i am willing to accept it.
It takes someone special to face the unknown, the uncertain and i hope that someday, i myself will be ready to do what you and some sixteen thousand others have done; put my life aside for others. I hope that you are where you dreamed to be. And that no more pain lies in wait for you, or any other peace officer that dares to put on their badge for another tour of duty.
PT Jailer/Dispatcher and student
Nicollet County, MN
Thursday January 23,2003 Dear Ronnie Im not certain why I thought of looking for you on the internet.Id never considered that you'd be there before today.What I discovered moved me beyond;to a place thats hard to explain.Maybe it has to do with your killers third bid for parole;his unquenchable thirst for freedom.Once again it,s un-nerving KIddo.....Why? Seeing him, being in the same space with him and his family, knowing fully there is no remorse or ownership of your death.It,s nearly six years and there has never been an attempt to say I,m sorry not by him not by his family......and it takes me back to Wednesday March 26th 1997.I,ll revisit the pain and the sorrow.A wound thats not completely healed will once again be reopened.When I close my eyes I,m back in the ICU Unit at Denver Health....Isee you....your body battered and ravaged,totally broken because of Gil Webbs so called mistake/the incident(sic)....I see you not alive yet not really dead.I,ll sit with your mom while she makes arrangements for yor funeral. I,ll attened your funeral mass and I will stand in the rain at the cemetary and we will bury you.I,ll have to revisit the sheer brutality of life for the first four years after you died.The stark reality of it's harshness took it's toll; it took your mom. I miss my sister KIddo. Last night I told Joe that the hardest thing about the week of March 26th to April1 1997 wasnt your dying; it was watching you live without life..As I read through the reflections dedicated to your memory on the internet it came to me why I looked you up------------JESUS' TIMING IS ALWAYS PERFECT! Going to the killers parole hearing will be un-nerving, yes but I would,nt miss it for any thing.It all has to do with your honor and integrity and a promise to be there for the duration. Here,s to you Kiddo....Love----Your Aunt Chris