Ohio State University Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Monday, February 10, 1997
Reflections for Police Officer Michael Blankenship
A man, just a man, simple and sublime
No more than normal most of the time
But when it gets tough, you know he’ll be true
Because he is a Cop and that’s what Cops do
He deals with the heartache and then he moves on
Not showing emotion because that could cause him harm
At times he seems callous and laughs at the wrong things
It is just his way of fighting the reality that stings
The things that he sees and the jobs he must do
Are like waves of emotions that he has to wade through
Most times he’ll keep dry, as they’re often small swells
But each time he’s not looking… a large wave rings his bell
The tough one he is… yeah, he hides it real good
Till it rips him apart and he cries like he should
The pain and the sadness he fought off all those years
Finally shows up and it rains… Hero’s Tears
Always remembered my brother. Rest easy, we have the watch.
Lt. G.D. Spence
February 9, 2016
Do You Know
Do you really know what we do?
Keeping peace and sanity just for you.
We go to work and try to keep our minds clear,
Knowing the dangers, yet we show no fear.
You say we look angry and sad all the time,
It's because of the horrible things that play in our minds.
Do you know what it is like every time we close our eyes?
To relive the death and frantic cries?
If only you knew the stress we carry around,
You would continually praise us rather than run us in the ground.
Do you know what it is like to watch a person die?
Or console a battered woman and tell a child not to cry?
You cast your problems on us day in and day out,
We try to help you and show you the right route.
Do you know what we would like to hear?
"I want to congratulate you on your courage and what you see every day".
Lt. G.D. Spence
February 10, 2015
In Criminal Investigation class this semester, I worked your case with your former Chief at OSUPD Ron Michalec. You seemed like a great Officer and funny guy. RIP.
December 8, 2014
My best friend.
Patrol Officer Don Cornwell
OSU Police retired
May 22, 2014
Dear Michael,
I never knew nor met you but you wore OSUPD Badge #303
just as I once did. Brenda Anderson Gaynor wore it before me. You are now both gone and our badge is retired. It will be my turn before much longer and then we'll meet. I look forward to that day when the 3 of us will compare notes, share some laughs and talk about the good old days.
Orval Simon-Bower, Ph.D.
OSU Police: 1979 - 1983
April 8, 2014
"Never stop learning." ~Mike Blankenship
I've not stopped; not ever. And I'll never forget you, Mike.
Federal Law Enforcement Ranger E. Blair
National Park Service
February 10, 2014
We gather today to remember, the sacrifices our loved ones have made.
We will never forget those loved ones, and the terrible price they have paid.
Their courage, dedication and professionalism will forever be alive in our hearts.
May God, in His infinite power, help to mend those broken parts.
There is no greater pain, then the loss of those we love,
But we pray you will find inner strength, with guidance from the Lord above.
It's a very tough journey you are faced with, but together we can all make it through.
So, we gather today to remember, and share the love for
"Our Heroes in Blue."
We know they are watching us now, and so proud that you're all here.
They would like to see smiles not sadness; see hope in your eyes not fear.
They are at peace with the Lord up in heaven, and they would like us to be at peace too.
They know in their hearts how we miss them, and they want you to know they miss you.
May you all find some solace in knowing, that in God's eyes, they did not die in vain.
They gave their lives doing a job they believe in, and it hurts them to see you in pain.
So as we pray for those loved ones we lost, They would like us to pray too;
For the brave men and women still out there, their Brothers and Sisters in Blue.
Rest in peace my friend. We have the watch.
Lt. G.D. Spence
The Ohio State University Police Division
February 10, 2014
There's a reason I cried
When I heard an officer had died
The reality hit hard in the life that we live
To a job where people are asking you to constantly give
One of the finest today paid the ultimate price
And with pride and honor made his greatest sacrifice
The public has no idea on a day to day, what you went through
And how many lives that are now touched, the killer never knew
How you sometimes went to work, with very little sleep,
Duty and honor, a vow you must keep
And like most cops you were most likely underpaid
But it's a job you loved, the one for which you were made
To protect and serve, is how you lived your life
My heart goes out to your now widowed wife
It's a knock on the door every officer's spouse fears
And that's why today my eye's are filled with tears
Our thoughts and prayers are for the families that will be without
A father, a husband, a brother who will be missed beyond doubt
Heaven called one of our finest home today
A price anyone who loves an officer hopes they will never pay
Lord, Watch over each and every unsung hero we pray
So they can be with the ones they love at the end of their day.
Rest in peace my brother. We have the watch.
Lt. G.D. Spence
The Ohio State University Police Dept.
February 10, 2013
Gone, but not forgotten.
Sgt. T. J. Jones
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department
February 10, 2013
I was privileged to be Michael's commanding Officer at OSU. Michael was a dedicated, professional police officer and was a fun loving guy. His death was a tragic loss for his family, OSUPD and myself. He is thought of often and missed greatly
Chief of Police (Retired
Ohio State University Police Department
January 26, 2013
He was like my Big Brother, my Friend, someone I looked up to he taught me more than I could ever have hoped to learn, I grew up with him in our families life, He was a true friend and like a son to my Dad, Mike was the guy who helped me to... make up my mind I wanted to be a Policeman, like he and my Dad he was the first police officer I ever rode with and as a reserve Officer while in the academy I worked and learned from. we shared many good times togther and some not so good times, we worked outside of law enforcement together we worked on cars together, like I said he was the big brother I didnt have, I;ll never forget that horrible day where I was what I was doing when I heard a OSU Officer had Been shot, my heart stopped a beat and my blood ran cold through me I just knew what was to come in that phone call I was about to recieve. Still after all these years not many days go buy I dont think of you and want to again cry as i did for so many days after you left us but in those memories I cant help but find a smile and a little chuckle at our fun times . This was a great COP a True Friend and my mentor,MY Brother, RIP Mike (my big Brother)
Patrolman(Ret.)Scott Allen
Franklin Twp Police Dept./Friend
April 9, 2012
Thinking of you today... on behalf of the FOP membership your sacrifice is not forgotten...
President Jim Gilbert
FOP Capital City Lodge #9
February 10, 2012
Rest easy my friend, We have the watch
Lt. G.D. Spence
The Ohio State University Police
February 10, 2012
A million times we've missed you,
A million times we've cried.
If love could have saved you,
You never would have died.
Things we feel most deeply,
Are the hardest things to say.
Our dearest one, we have loved you
In a very special way.
We often sit and think of you
And think of how you died.
To think we couldn't say good-bye
Before you closed your eyes.
No one can know our loneliness
And no one can see us weep,
All our tears from aching hearts
While others are still asleep.
If we had one lifetime wish,
A dream that could come true,
We'd pray to God with all our hearts
For yesterday... and you.
Rest easy my friend, We have the watch.
Lt. G.D. Spence
The Ohio State University Police
February 10, 2011
Great memories from that week of bike school. Had a hell of a good time when we all went out for a night. To Mike's family and fellow officers, I only knew him for about 5 days but will never forget the impression he left on me.
Lt. Jeffery Hagy
Madeira Police Department
July 5, 2010
Having lost two officers this past week, I came to visit this webpage. Every time I do this, I always stop to visit Brother Blankenship's page where I pause and remember the events of February 1997 and recall the few times I was able to interact with Mike prior to that. The etching from the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial bearing his name is displayed with honor at the Wooster Campus police station, keeping him in our memories daily.
Sgt. Richard A. Nester
The Ohio State University Police - Wooster
March 16, 2010
Today in the sun, I bid him farewell
A man, a hero, I knew him quite well
Like many before him, who answered the call
He wore a badge, he was destined to fall
Though by choice a long life and a happy old age
He would have chosen, had he written the page
But the profession he chose never promised long life
Just half of his salary, for his child and his wife
He went without fear, into the darkness of night
Bringing comfort to some, to some others light
Easing their pain and calming their fears
He did his duty, never asking for cheers
A husband, a cop, he answered the call
We bid him farewell for he gave us his all
Lest we forget.
Rest easy my friend, we have the watch.
Lt. G.D. Spence
The Ohio State University Police
February 10, 2010
Mike, if I may address you by your first name, I missed your anniversary and it's now over a month. I simply want to thank you for your service. Your sacrifice was not in vain for so many reasons, not the least of which is that it brought me and your deciple, Liz together as friends. We're about a thousand miles apart, yet we've become close. Through her I feel I kinda know you and you are a good man.
God Bless, Brother.
Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.
March 13, 2009
I know I don't write you often but it's still hard on me. I miss you so much. You were a great friend and you gave me the best advice whenever I needed it. I hope you can look down and be proud of me and what I have accomplished. I wish you could have been here to meet my twins. They would have loved you. I think of you often, especially when a John Wayne movie is on TV and trying to ride a bike or run a few miles with a hangover. Thanks for being my friend.
Deputy Marysue McPeek
Franklin County Sheriffs Office
February 24, 2009
To Officer Blankenship,his family and other loved ones:
On this the 12th anniversary of your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is with all family members who call you beloved. They are all in my thoughts and prayers today.
Michael, this world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Michael. I am so humbled by your valor and courage.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Michael gave to his community and the citizens of Ohio, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 9, 1997.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
February 10, 2009
Just a Cop
Did you know a Police Officer died last night?
Just another Cop who gave his life
Another story to fill the news
Another funeral with a sea of blue
We know that he did not want to leave
Now his brothers, sisters & family grieve
They'll lay to rest their brother with tears
A pain that will last for the rest of their years
And others will come to honor this Cop
Who in spite of the risks, would never stop
"To Serve & Protect" were just not words written as art
It was part of his soul, his body, his heart
The real pain that's felt by those left behind
Comes from the fact many people don't mind
That this hero was killed fighting for us
"He's just a cop, it's his job, why all the fuss?"
He was there when you needed, there when you called
Never asked you for praise or to thank him at all
So he's just a cop, risking his life
Catches a bullet or gets stuck with a knife
To those who say that it's just a cop's life
Did you ever stop to think, did he have a wife?
Or maybe a boy and a little girl too
Waiting for Dad who promised a trip to the Zoo
They watched out the door, with smiles and cheer
Waiting for daddy who soon should be there
But instead of his smile, come three somber cops
As they walk towards the house time suddenly stops
He won't be coming home to them anymore
Still they stand and stare out the front door
Saying My Dad was a cop…but why did he have to die?
He was kind, he was funny, just a really nice guy
No it wasn't just a cop who was killed last night
A part of us all died when they shut down his light
When it happens again, we all know that it will
Take a second to think, for a moment be still
If not for that cop, where would we be
Afraid of our shadow, not one of us free
Was the guy who just died special or not?
Yeah he sure was, …Just a Husband, a Father, a Hero, a COP.
Semper Vigilo
Rest easy my friend. We have the watch.
Lt. G.D. Spence
The Ohio State University Police
February 10, 2009
You are still missed, Mike.
But I have not given up.
I have made you proud.
And I will never stop learning.
Federal LEO Elizabeth Blair
NPS-JNEM, St. Louis
February 10, 2009
In 1976, my junior year of college at a new school, I opened the paper to see a picture of officers at my old school surrounding a restaurant where an LAPD officer had just been shot and killed. We stopped making fun of the easy job of the "Uni Cops" after that. I now have the privilege of working daily with police officers.
On both campuses so many of us wore either the scarlett and gray or the maize and blue, you would have thought we were in the midwest. It was a tribute to our parents. Now I will wear it also as a tribute to you.
As we watch your colleagues run to the latest tragedy at Virgina Tech and countless other places we know now the true dangers you all face. Watch over your colleagues from your place in heaven. We will do our best to watch over them here on earth.
Jim Grant, Son of David Grant,
Michigan Class of 1938
April 26, 2008
You taught me what it means to be a police officer. You were my first instructor when I joined the Student Safety Service in 1994, and still after more than 14 years in law enforcement you are the ideal that I strive to meet every day. I am a better man simply for knowing you.
You will always be missed.
Officer Luke Johnson
U.S. Forest Service
April 16, 2008
Last night I lay in bed
My gut sick and sour
pounding in my head
tragedy struck this hour
Knowing something was not right
the void of not knowing
kept awake half the night
while red lights were glowing
While the world lay sleeping
we are alert and awake
vigilant guard he was keeping
making no mistake
All of us connected by fate
a brother now laid
forever to rest on this date
his oath and promise be paid
St Michael Protect Us ...
For we fight the good fight
leaving our families behind
kissing them good night
going back to the grind
Put ourselves in harms way
so that others may rest
knowing we keep evil at bay
being the best of the best
The blue line has been stained
with the blood of a brother
all feel sorrow and are pained
all feel the loss of another
St Michael Protect Us ...
Hunt them down we yell
none will take rest
find the evil from hell
desecrated our crest
Black band across shield
blue blood ties us together
great strength we do wield
stay strong in bad weather
St. Michael Protect ALL of US ...
K.D. Matlock #748
Montgomery County Sheriffs Office, Ohio
February 23, 2008