Detroit Police Department, Michigan
End of Watch Tuesday, January 9, 1996
Reflections for Police Officer Patrick Michael Prohm
Patrick I miss you so much , it hasn't gotten any easier. Why? I love you as.much as I did when we were young . The kids are all doing great, have their own children, and are such wonderful people. Thanks for coming to visit the last few nights, I only wish you could have stayed.
Tammy prohm
April 10, 2022
I remember this as if it was yesterday. When you radio'd that you were following a stolen vehicle, my partner and I were at East Grand Blvd and Vernor (I still remember my exact location). I responded, "Reco 23 enroute to assist, we're a min out." We drove west bound on Vernor which is a one way street eat bound at E Grand Blvd. Shortly after you radio'd that you had another unit and were going to take the car down now. I responded requesting to stand by, we were pulling up in a few seconds. As my partner and I were pulling up to the scene, that's when that fatal shot was fired. The people started to flee in my direction, then stopped and laid face down on the ground. I got one cuff on the subject when he began to fight. But he was still taken into custody.
I even remember you in the academy a part of the class that started behind the class I was in. We were about to graduate when you started. This fateful night made a lot about you that I would have otherwise long forgot, stick in my mind. Like how terrible you were at marching when you first started, to the time you forgot your tie at roll call and your classmates gave you a tie shaped cardboard colored black to serve as a tie. These are the funny thoughts I reflect on to keep my mind together when I think of that night. I still have a hard time taking about that night without breaking down into a mess.
I leave this reflection as a kind of therapy. So continue to rest easy bro. You served this city well for the time you here.
Former PO V Watts
January 7, 2022
Hi, Pat. I was drawn to your page after seeing a reflection for one of our academy classmates about another hero lost too soon. In reading the reflections, I was struck by the message from the granddaughter you never met. When we worked together at #7, I left on time that night while you processed your arrest. I wish somehow I could have been there with you. God bless you and all our Brothers.
Sgt. William Ross (Retired)
Warren, MI. PD
August 11, 2021
Officer Prohm,
On today, the 25th anniversary of of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Detroit. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
United States Border Patrol
January 9, 2021
Rest in peace Officer Prohm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2019
Love you Patrick
Tammy Prohm
January 10, 2019
Rest in peace brother.
P.O A. B.
Detroit PD #9
January 9, 2019
I think about you everyday. I remember the evening this happened to you. We were in the front lobby of the 7th Precinct. You were finishing up the paperwork on your narcotic arrest. You asked me if there was any opportunity for you to work with me on the 30 series. I told you I'd think about putting your name in front of the commander for consideration. Steve and I left to take our narcotic to PPU. I told you I'd see u you and Barb. at the Narcotic section and left. While we were having our case processed we heard first your stopping a wanted vehicle then a few seconds later your call for assistance. We left leaving everything unfinished because we knew you'd do the same for us. But we arrived from downtown a little to late to assist you. I felt if we had just waited for you at the precinct we might have prevented this. It took a long time to come to grips with this hole in my heart, because you were what I considered to the prefect example of a police officer. You cared about all people, you did not see color race or cred. I remember how you helped that youth man on Chene. How you came out of your pocket to help the young man, while others were saying you must be nuts to do that. I saw you do that to several people, you risked your life on a everyday basis protecting the people of this community.
I wanted to talk directly to your daughter, to let her know that you spoke about her everyday. To tell her how much you loved her and wanted to give her the world. How much every little thing she gave you was admired by you. How having her made him a complete person. How you wanted her to be the best she could be. How you wanted her to go to college and educate herself so she could follow her dreams. But when I approached you, you were crying so much I couldn't talk because I cried just as hard as you were.
I hope that though late you can find comforts in this. Writing this, to you, helps me find comforts.
I want to said how sorry I am and convey the thanks from the community for your sharing your father with us.
Officer then, now Sergeant Joseph Turner
Detroit Police Department Sevenbth Precinct.
April 7, 2018
Hi Pat Well its been 22 years ago.. We all miss you so much...Today we are going to Phils for the Superbowl Party ... Dad wont be here either as we all know football was Dads and all the brothers favorite sport... Rest in Peace my brother and i will see you someday!! I love you and miss you!!!
Charlotte Prohm
February 4, 2018
Can't believe it's been this long since you've been gone. Thoughts and prayers are still with your family.
Rene' (Schott) Simanovich
Part of the Hampshire clan
June 26, 2017
Pat me and some of the guys at work were talking about you the other day wished you had stay with us at the water dept. You were one of the coolest gus I met we used to cut lawns after work. Pat you will Always be are Mudd brother. Miss you
laurence johnson (lj)
Detroit Water Dept.
January 14, 2017
Well, it is going on 20 years and I still feel like it is yesterday. Dad has left us and I'm sure Your with Him and you were waiting, How He was making funny till He was ready, we miss him so much! (WHAT A PROUD FATHER HE WAS.) I just can't imagine loosing your child before yourself. He was the one whom had to be strong for all of us to deal with the lost of loosing You, God Bless You Both. Your so Beautiful, and I can only try to live the legacy that You have both left for me to witness. Love Always
shawn bednarz
January 7, 2016
Oh Patrick, I love You so much, I miss You so much, today feels like the same day You left Me. Us? I cry Dad is now 87 and just had his birthday and remember the moment He entered the house and said I sure wish it was Monday, because You would still be here and fate wouldn't of happened, Pat I love You so much and I am so grateful for having the pleasure of You being my brother I could never express it in more words, I Love You.
shawn bednarz
March 29, 2015
This page popped up after I closed another page. I seen the name and was not sure but knew. I kept reading, seen Frank B post, n I knew him too. I continued reading and seen Brian D post and then I knew for sure! I yelled Oh.NO! Pat was one of the "HAMPSHIRE KIDS"....a awesome kid on the block. I am in shock. My prayers to your wife, kids, parents n siblings n the rest of your family. You were a true friend n friend to all. RIP PAT <3. The Franczak Family.
Pattie Franczak Kitchen
Hampshire Friend
January 9, 2015
The promise... Always honored, never forgotten.
Sgt. T. J. Jones.
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department, Ohio
January 9, 2015
hi grandpa i am your granddaughter christiana i am ten yrs old i hope you know that me ,my mom Ashley,my uncle Anthony,and aunty Alisha all love u. I hope i will see u someday everybody talks about you i watched your movie shattered badges broken hearts. I hope you watch over me day and night i love you so much. I even wrote a report about you in my class. My aunty talks about you all the time sometimes i really wish i was there to meet you. I hope you got my prayers when i went to your grave. whoever killed you will get it back i promised I have even cried about you once I hope one day I will be like you I can't wait to meet you in heaven I love you to the moon and back.<3
August 27, 2014
18 years and your 50th Birthday next month. Its been so long but it seems near. Miss ya buddy.
Kenneth Lindsley
May 23, 2014
It's been 18 years since you were taken but it is still fresh in my mind like the day it happened. I can still see you lying there on the frozen ground and carrying you to the patrol car that took you to the hospital. It's a memory that will be with me forever and one that I wish I could explain to my family. I miss you my friend.
Mark (Police Officer)
Co-worker at 7th Precinct
February 9, 2014
My faithful servant.
You were called upon to serve others.
You were asked to see, what no man should ever have to see.
To go through, what no man should ever have to go through.
But you did so with pride, honor, and integrity.
My faithful servant.
You were called upon to defend those, who could not defend themselves.
To provide justice to those, who did not respect it.
To lay down your life, if the time called for it.
Again, you did not question what was asked of you.
You did it with love, compassion, and loyalty.
My faithful servant.
In times of adversity, you prayed for strength.
In times of triumph, you praised your Lord.
You served your Country, State, and city proud.
Your service will forever be remembered by the many lives you’ve touched.
My faithful servant.
When your service on this earth is finally complete.
I will welcome you home with open arms.
I will embrace you and proclaim,
“Well done thou good and faithful servant.”
Sergeant Barton
Garden City PD
January 5, 2014
Dear Pat, I know and love your daughter. She has turned out so beautiful, inside and out. She misses you. Most of the time she hides the pain, but once in awhile it peaks through. It is at these times that I want to hold and mother her but, knowing Ashley as I do, she would not like that so I hold back and silently weep for her loss. Please ask God to give a blessed life.
Just a friend
October 20, 2013
Remembering you on a day of remembrance for falling heros I have never met you you but I know one thing forsure you are a hero and your wife Tammy loved you and still loves you very much, her loosing you along with your children was very hard on all. Thank you for giving your all to make this country a safer place to live.,
Fred Noblet
friend of a friend
August 20, 2013
I'm from kalamazoo Michigan and the same guy that murdered officer prohm murdered my friends in kalamazoo I would like to thank officer prohm for stopping him you are a hero in kalamazoo thank you
July 26, 2013
Prior to working for the Detroit Police Department Officer Prohm worked for the Detroit Water Department. I've work with Patrick in the Detroit Water Department. He ws a very good worker and could fix almost every problem dealing with our city water system. When ever a problem came that was difficult to repair, Patrick was the man to go to. He made everybody's jOb easier and fun at times just watching him solve and fix problems so the city residents could continue to enjoy the best resource in the world (WATER).
Milton Davis RETIRED
City of Detroit Equipment Operator
May 3, 2013
Hello. You came into my thoughts today when I was wondering exactly what contributions I have made to society concerning the police memorial. I was questioning myself when I recalled helping someone who witnessed your final moments however due to stress could not recall much information. A lot of patience, probing and extensive research resulted in you being that officer, sad to say. While remembering this made me shed tears, but many years later after our loss you are not forgotten....
Renee Lee Greco
Thin Blue Line Member
April 25, 2013
Merry Christmas patrick we miss you .love always Tammy
tammy prohm
December 25, 2012