Houston Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Sunday, November 25, 1990
Reflections for Police Officer John Anthony Salvaggio
Well Johnny it's been a long 15 years without you around. God only knows there are so many times that i just look up into the sky and try to talk to you or ask you a simple question like, what do I do now? I know life will continue to go on for us, but it is so hard to go on with out a brother that I loved and respected so much. No matter had mad we would get with each other I always knew you would be there for me when I needed you
I miss the phonecalls when you would call me and tell me a funny joke, even if it was at 3 am in the morning. I would really get mad when it was a joke that I had told you ealier that day and you would say Oh yeah go back to sleep. It's funny how I would give anything if you could make me mad again
Memories of you and the fun we had is something no one can take away from me, which now I cherish so much. Which must be Gods way of helping me get through the years with out your presence.
I remember when Little John was born, you told me that God had finally blessed you, well it was actually all of the family that was blessed because he is a carbon copy of you. Two weeks before you left us you had come to one of Little charlie's football games and on the way home you had asked me if anything ever happened to you you wanted me to make sure Little Johnny played football. Well brother I let you down, because of certain things that had happen to me in my life when Little Johnny was finally old enough to play, and today I thank God that Bernie came along and was there for that. And your little boy is doing awesome, ( I know your on the field with him protecting him ) I just wish I could have done that for you, please forgive me because I know I will regret it for the rest of my life
Christmas time is near now and it's been 15 years since you've been gone and I still look for you at mom and dads house. It's just not the same anymore, because you where always the jolly ole fat bay. He he he I even miss when always aroung this time of the year you would call mom and lie about something just so you could call me and say ( moms fixing to call you and you are in trrroooobblleeee ) Damn Boy, I miss you.
One more thing As you have always done save me a place where ever you are, I can't wait to see you again
Your loving brother Charlie
charles salvaggio
December 19, 2005
John, Iam sorry I never had the HONOR of meeting you, but I did meet your loving wife several years ago when we went to Washington DC to Honor your memory. I was in the Honor Guard at that time and your wife couldn t say enought about you. I went by today and checked on your gravesite to make sure everything is ok. I do this every so often since I work the area and I have the highest respect for your service to Houston. Rest in Peace Brother.
Sgt. Charlie Allbright
Houston Police Dept
December 15, 2005
When I think of you, I can't help but smile. I think back to a day when you and Charlie stopped by our house. E.J. was about eight years old. He and a friend of his were shooting their new B.B. guns with new CO2 cartridges in our back yard (remember we backed up to 30 acres of woods). You told them to point high in the air and shoot at the same time. They were concentrating so hard, they did not see you pull out your gun and fire in the air at the exact same time. The noise was unbelievable. They were so shocked!! E.J. looked at his friend and said "Man Chris, I think you blew your whole CO2 cartridge!!! The shocked look on their faces. We never laughed so hard. They didn't know what to think. They looked over at you (probably a little worried because you were in full uniform). It was so funny. I will always misss your shining eyes and quick smile. A lot of our family are up there with you now. My Mom just this last February passed away. Find her and my Dad and have some fun. We love you Johnny and always will.
Cynthia Colletti Vetrano
Lifelong famioy friend
December 6, 2005
I remember one thanksgiving at our house on Rook Street. Uncle John and I were sitting at the dining room table just talking small talk and my mother walks in and asks Uncle John if he would like some coffee. He said yes, and my mom brought him a cup. He took a sip and exclaimed ,"whew, Carolyn, that coffee is stronger than the stuff that they serve at the station." My mom asked if it was too strong and he replied, "I'll let you know as soon as my toes uncurl." Then he flashed a broad smile and finished his coffee. That smile is my greatest memory of my Uncle John.
Anthony Grizzaffi
December 2, 2005
Uncle John,
Even though I was only 7 years old at the time, I have always felt that we have had a close connection. From the many stories I have heard growing up, I know that you loved the outdoors- especially going hunting. I am glad that you got to go hunting in Kentucky the week before. Maybe that's where my love for hunting all started. One thing that I remember is the time you showed me your police belt. It was so big and heavy. You showed what everything was for-even the handcuffs. Boy, that scared me but you let me go! One year for Christmas, Aunt Marybess gave me the special wallet with your badge and number 2521 in it. It really got worn since I had it with me all the time, so she had to get me another one! You have helped me in some tight spots. I think of how things would have been different. I know for sure that we would have had some fun hunting trips to talk about!
Michael Montalbano
December 1, 2005
Uncle John,
I cannot believe it has been 15 years. I remember being at Grandma's house for Thanksgiving that year. We were all sitting around the table laughing and joking. You had such a great laugh and were always fun to be around. Aunt Marybess has done a fabulous job and is just a source of inspiration for all of us. You would be so proud of each one of your kids. Cathy and Virginia have married two great men--Jerry and Jason, and your grandbabies are just precious! Johnny has grown up to be a stunning young man. I look at him and smile because I see you.
We all miss you so much.
Vita Montalbano
Vita Montalbano
November 28, 2005
November 25, 1990-a day that changed our world as we knew it forever. Our family has not been the same since that moment when John was taken so suddenly in such a senseless accident. Sometimes, it is still hard to believe that John is not with us. Even though time has passed, we definitely still miss his funny stories, his practical jokes, and his unique laugh that would lift the spirits of everyone. I have many special memories of John, but one of my favorites is I can still see John in his well-worn recliner, eating Blue Bell out of the carton, and watching TV with his eyes closed! There was never a dull moment with John around. He always had something going on.
One comforting thought is the fact that John loved every aspect of being a Houston Police officer. Even though he only served for seven years, he was able to live his dream. He gave the ultimate sacrifice for something that he truly believed in. John touched many people in his life in so many different ways as the testimonials reflect. He is greatly missed by all, but he is always in our thoughts and prayers.
Looking back, I know he would be so proud of Marybess, and how she has had the courage to carry on and be strong through this difficult time. She has been able to make life as normal as possible for Cathy, Virginia, and Johnny. They have had to learn to deal with their great loss in so many ways everyday for the past 15 years. Yet, through all the sad and happy times they have experienced, they have been able to move forward as John would have wanted. He would be so proud of his family!
I will close with one of John's favorite sayings. He would often say when he was leaving that: "He had places to go, people to see, and things to do." We just didn't know that he would leave us so soon.
Mary Jo Montalbano
November 27, 2005
Dear Marybess & Family,
The last time I saw John he was directing traffic in front of a school on Briar Forest. I stopped to talk to
him and I asked about all of you. He
was very excited and told me that you
were having a baby. Of course that
baby was your son John. Yes, Marybess
it is a difficult journey but you are
right--we do have so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!!
Diane L. Melia
were expectng a baby.
November 24, 2005
It was Thanksgiving, 1990, and the family gathered at the home of my in-laws for the traditional meal and socializing. I clearly remember that I sat next to John at the table. After dinner, he began to joke and jest as he usually did. My brother-in-law would laugh so hard that we couldn't help but roll with his contagious belly laugh. I miss his unique laughter--it was great medicine for any ailment, and reminded us to lighten up on our journey. Fifteen Novembers have come and gone, but memories, some comfortable and some difficult, remain. I believe John would be so proud (and even take some credit!) for the way Marybess and the children have continued on with their lives in such a positive direction. They may not realize it, but they have been a source of strength and encouragement for family and friends alike. May we continue to laugh with them and gently support them with our prayers.
Joe Montalbano
November 23, 2005
15 years is a long time. I think about how young you were; how young we all were. Life hit us hard. You always made me laugh. You always called me GUM (even when I would pretend that was not my nick name). You told me I made good coffee. You were so proud of your kids. It would be soooo much fun getting old with you; I'm sure you are having a good laugh watching us. My Mom is with you now, take care of her too. I miss her alot. Ya'll can drink coffee and catch up (I'm sure she would enjoy filling you in on all the family business !! We love you Johnny.
Virginia Quartaro (aka GUM)
Virginia Quartaro
November 23, 2005
It is difficult to express how much John's death impacted our lives. I know that from the moment we heard of his tragic accident we never took anything for granted again. We realized that our lives were not forever, our families not untouchable. I remember speaking to his wife and the one statement she made to me that I have live be each day is that she did not have a chance to say good bye be fore he died.
I treat each day as if it could be the last for each of my family members and friends. Now that is not to be morbid. It is only that John's life was so energetic, so spirited. He filled a room with his humor. His passing made me realize that each person leaves a 'print' on my life. I do not wish to take that for granted. John's death forever impressed upon me the necessity to love, appreciate and feel all there is to experience each day. There may not be another chance.
My family misses him!!
Marie Sedita
November 23, 2005
It's hard to believe that it has been fifteen years since we lost Johnny. Fifteen years without that smile; fifteen years without that laugh; fifteen years without my friend, although he is constantly in my thoughts and fondest memories.
To Johnny's family, you are always in our thoughts and prayers, especially on Johnny's birthday and the anniversary of his death. I have always admired your courage and strength.
To Johnny's grandchildren, the grandfather you never knew was a good and great man. He was my good friend and you should strive to inherit his sense of humor.
To Johnny, keep the beer on ice, we'll all be up there one day and, man, do we have a lot to talk about. I miss you, Brother.
Joe Messa
Joe Messa
Former Houston Police Officer
November 23, 2005
They say that time flys by fast and with alot of things it does,but now looking back I cant understand where the time has gone.I cant believe it has been 15 years this month. I was still pretty little when you left us but oh the memories i have. I will never forget I had gotten it trouble with my mom and the punishment was that i had to talk to you, and I was scared. You came out in your uniform told me that if i kept it up you would take me to jail.Now looking back its funny but at the time i was so young I was scared.But that was the point, right! I wish I could have gotten more time to know you better but i get to hear all the wonderful things and funny memories about you from the family. You are missed and loved by many. Keep watching over everyone and you will never be forgotten.
Natalie Prevost
Natalie Prevost
November 23, 2005
I am a friend of the family and was a
classmate of John's at Waltrip High School, class of 1969. I will always remember his great sense of humor. He was a wonderful husband and father. Thank you John for serving and taking care of the citizens of our city. You are our hero. Your family is awesome and I know you are watching over them everyday. Rest in peace.
Norma Halick
Norma Halick
November 23, 2005
John, We miss your smile ,Laughter and craziness. I must say the most memorable times were when you put the fear of God into the kids. You were playing with them ,ofcourse,but they didn't know that. That was great to me. Then the timed we visited Hamberger Inn and enjoyed you great cooking. That was long hard work for both you and Marybess. Other memories--your love for wilted salads, breakfast of scrambled eggs,onions and potatoes. Coffee,Coffee,Coffee, Sleeping on the hard floor, Going out for breakfast with the clan after an Italian event, Your reunions with you High-school bunch (they still get together). Oh,by the way John, Did I ever tell you how sorry I was,When I open the back door hurriedly and you were in that back restroom. All I saw was you back anyway. It wasn't like I caught you with your pants down. These are just a few memories. John ,we miss you. Now that time has passed and the years have flown by ,yours and mine have their own kids. Please keep watch over all of them and yes, put the fear of God in the all and make them walk a straight line. Also ,if the guys stop to pee on the plants just say "HEY BOY ,WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?". Love and miss you, Charlsie
Charlsie Prevost
November 23, 2005
It does seem like only yesterday that I was over at Mr. Salvaggio's house playing with his daughters. Time goes by so fast, but we never forget people like John who leave such an impression on our lives. He welcomed me in like his own daughter and never treated me any different. I remember him watching us as we played in the pool and the nights he would come in late from work and Cathy, Virginia and I would all be snuggled up in front of the TV watching movies. He always knew what to say to make everyone laugh! He loved his family deeply and I know he looks down even today with a smile because I know he is so proud of how they have all chosen to live their lives. We miss you John!
Kimberly George
November 23, 2005
Mr. Salvaggio
Although it has been 15 years it seems like it was yesterday. You are missed so very much and thought of each and every day. You should be so proud of all the great accomplishments that your children have made throughout the years. Two marriages, two grand children, Johnny who is growing like a weed and Marybess who has had the strength to keep the Salvaggio's running strong.
Although you are not physically here your spirit will live on forever.
You are truly missed Mr. Salvaggio.
Theresa Garza
Theresa Garza
November 23, 2005
Johnny, I can't believe this much time has passed. There are so many wonderful memories that we all shared, from you and Charlie and Jackie and of course Uncle Tanny, scaring the ___ out of us as kids..from "red light green light" at grandmas house when we were kids, to "mother may I"..running and playing in the streets at her house, those wonderful times that still resonate! All the times we used to spend the night at ya'lls house and scream "Aunt Catherine"...I'm laughing as I reminice! You have beautiful children and grandchildren and I know you are proud. I love you Johnny and will always remember you and your laughter and the way it made us all feel to be around you and your family. Love, Theresa Anne!
Theresa Quartaro, cousin
November 23, 2005
I can still picture John at my home for Christmas one year when he had to work. He came in uniform with reindeer ears to celebrate the holidays. Joe L. took a picture of him dressed like that. Everytime I think of it, I have to laugh. So typical of John. Since we lived in his police territory, he came by many a Saturday night to visit for a few minutes. A lot of good memories for a life that was cut way too short. Love, Joe L. and Rosemary
Rosemary Carrabba
November 23, 2005
Again we are thinking about you and your family. I will never forget gathering together unexpectedly at Marybess' mom's house and all being together not knowing it was the last time.
Carolyn Grizzaffi
November 23, 2005
Hi Dad~
I can not believe that you have been gone for 15 years this month. There is so much that has happend in 15 years. Since the last time I wrote you, you now have a beautiful Grand daughter Adrianna Marie to go along with the most handsome grand son Anthony. It's is crazy to think that it has been 15 years since I have held your hand, hugged you, or told you "Bye, I Love you be careful". We found some old home movies the other day and there you were. Seeing you and just hearing your voice was such a comforting feeling that I miss so much. This was the first time that Johnny got to hear your voice. It was so nice to see you. The viedos are from 88-89, so our last Christmas with our dad was being filmed and we had no Idea they would never be the same. Funny how things happen that way. IT's really neat to see beacuse you see many people that are no longer hear. Everyone looks so happy, it was before any tragedy hit our family. You and Mom look so young and EVERYONE was skinny. It's funny beacause everyone is telling you to stop filming them or they run around the corner and it's like Why didn't someone film you more. If we only what was in store for us. We would cherish every second. But I guess it wouldn't life if we knew what happend next. I hate that my husband & my kids will never know you. You and Anthony would be best buddies I'm sure and Adrianna would be the little girl of your heart. I often wonder what our relationship would be like and I like to think we would be close. I think that you would have been close to all of us in your own way. I love you dad and I truly miss you. Until the day I get to see you again I will take my memories of you and only hope that I can make millions more with my own kids. I love you dad.
Virginia Salvaggio-Manlove
November 16, 2005
May God rest your soul Officer Salvaggio. I hope you are having some laughs with your Brother in Blue, and my good friend Jake. Although I did not have the honor in knowing you, you seem like a wonderful officer and family man.
To the family of this fine officer, I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my friend Jake in the line of duty, and I know it's nothing compared to losing a parent or husband. But I do know the hurt. I am happy that you had so many good and lasting memories of your father. Those will last a lifetime. You will meet with him again one day, but for now, endure the life you have and never forget what your father stood for. May God bless you all
Friend of Jake Laird EOW 8/18/04
June 21, 2005
You were on the front of the memorial page today for us to remember... You are remembered. It is plain for us to see by your children's reflections that you are truely resting in peace. Your children's reflections are an inspiration. Your "other" family those of us wearing the badges will also always honor and remember your sacrifices. God Bless You and your family.
Deputy Sheriff
Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office
April 13, 2005
GOD bless you and your family, officer Salvaggio. Rest is peace sir.
Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Deputy Sheriff
POLK County Sheriff's Office, Florida
April 3, 2004
Hi dad it's me again Virginia, The other day I was thinking about one of my favorite memories of you and I started laughing so hard I could not stop. It was one night that you had told me and Cathy to bed because it was getting late. Since we shared a bed at that time we would lay there and talk until we went to sleep. Well that night we thought we should sing a song until we get sleepy. We started out real soft singing show tunes like "Three's Company" and then "The Jeffersons" and then I think what got your attention was "Good Times" We sang that song with everything we had. Then all of the sudden we looked at the doorway and there you were, laughing so hard at us. We screamed and threw the blankets over us like we were asleep. Now we could not have been older then 7 & 9. But when ever I see old re-runs of the songs we would sing I can't help but to smile and think of you. I miss you so much and I love you dad!
Love, Virginia
November 20, 2003