Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Chief of Police Andrew Williams

Saluda Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Friday, September 3, 1976

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Chief of Police Andrew Williams

As the current Chief of Police in Saluda NC I was told I had big shoes to fill. It is an honor to follow in the shoes of some of the well-respected leaders of this department. I received a letter since becoming Chief in May of 2022 that was to honor Chief Williams remembrance, so I then had to follow up to find out more about the chief that had lost his life protecting the same community I am serving today. I know the world is a whole different place than it was during Chief Williams days here. I will strive to do my best for the community and the residents that I serve leading this department. I know that it has been several years since you were here as chief, but I still want to give your family my condolences for the loss that was suffered when your last call here on earth was answered.

Chief Clayton R Price
Saluda Police Department NC

March 23, 2023

Chief, after reading the amazing, heartfelt and beautiful reflections from your daughter and also other family members, I can only say first and foremost, God Bless all of them! As I will say to you, I say to them also, your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren. Rest In Peace always and God Bless you and your family.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

September 3, 2020

Earnest thank you for your reflection. It helps knowing he Is still remembered. It also helps to be able to help other survivors in their parole wars through ODMP's no parole program that I am the coordinator for. I am sorry for your loss. Does not matter how you lost them. Mama left us in 2004, at least she is with Daddy. You went to school with my sister Cathy Williams. If you should ever want to be in touch my work email is Stay safe and REMEMBER there ARE NO ROUTINE CALLS!

Surviving Daughter Chief Andrew Williams
Officer Down Memorial page

December 11, 2018

Angela- While I only knew your dad by name my father, Ernest Hollingsworth, Jr knew your father well. They were the same age and my dad was a detective and narcotics officer (Henderson/Polk/Transylvania) with The Hendersonville PD. My dad was at work the day your dad was murdered and I remember how hurt and saddened he was that day. I went to work for the Hendersonville PD a month after your loss then later the NC DOC. I was thinking of my dad today as he had passed away in October many years ago. It seems seldom anymore that I do not think of my dad without recalling his memories of your dad. He often spoke of your dad and of the senseless loss your family and community suffered. Just wanted you to know that your dad is still thought of and his sacrifice remembered.

Patrolman/Correctional Officer Ernie Hol
Hendersonville PD (1976-1979) NC DOC (1983-1985)

October 19, 2018

Thank you for your reflection

Angela McMinn
Officer Down Memorial Page/ Surviving daughter

September 21, 2018

Senseless deaths of law enforcement personnel are only understandable by the ruthless scum responsible. Chief Williams.....May your name be everlasting. Jesus wept.

Michael Karriker
Dept. of Defense Police Lieutenant, Retired

September 4, 2018

Daddy I did not visit earlier, you knew I would be here. I messaged some special cops to remind them That there are no routine calls and ask them to stay safe on this the 42nd anniversary of your death. This daddies girl is still as broken-hearted as the day it happened. I love and miss you daddy and let mom know I love and miss her too I guess LOL

Angela McMinn, Surviving daughter
Surviving daughter Of Chief Andrew Williams

September 3, 2018

It has been awhile. There does not a weekend go by without me wishing you and mom were here to meet my two grandchildren They are the light of my life. You would have my Kay Kay spoiled rotten She would have you wrapped around her little finger. Mom would be crazy about my little imp ZayZay. Just like mama when he is up to something ( which is almost constant he gets the same little gleam in his eyes and when he succeeds in pulling it off you can see the same little devil dancing in his eyes the same one you could in hers. I don't have a place to go send her messages so tell her I love her and have missed her terribly. Also, let her know when the Lord calls us all home I will be bringing her a mean little boy she can plot trouble with and you a sweet little girl but you can't pay her to much attention cause as always I am still a daddy's girl waiting for your attention. Still doing the parole thing as you know it is a horrible time for my cop's as Kay Kay calls them. I love you and mom so very much waiting till the day we can all be together again.

Angela McMinn

October 29, 2016

Chief, I just read the heartfelt reflection left by your daughter. I looked for you after reading another reflection she left for Officer Swasey of the UCCS Police. That reflection was lovely and moving, the one here, maybe the latest, I've only read the one so far, truly moved me.

It's apparent you were a very special guy and raised a very special daughter. You couldn't be there in body to help get past her 10th birthday, but I can tell, your influence never left her and helped create the person she is today.

For your work protecting the citizens of Saluda, NC and for your apparent skills as a parent, I admire you and I thank you.

God Bless you and may your eternal rest forever be peaceful, Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

January 7, 2016

Daddy, I really feel the need to talk to you. Horrible things are happening right now. There is an all-out war on police officers. Two black, unarmed Men were killed while resisting arrest. One was going for the officer's gun. Grand Jury's found both officers, innocent of wrongdoing. People are protesting all over the United States, but especially in Missouri and New York. There has been looting and rioting and police cars and buildings were burned. Our president sent 3 representatives to the funeral of the thug that the officer Wilson killed in Missouri and Attorney General of the USA went to the town, it happened during they ordered an extra autopsy be done by an examiner they chose. The Mayor of New York said in a press conference that he had to warn his biracial stepson to be very careful in any interaction with NYPD. You expect trash like Al Sharpton to go after our cops, but our president, The Mayor of New York, and the Attorney General (The top law enforcement officer in the United state's) All of this makes me absolutely sick. We had two NYPD officers assassinated as they sat in their cruiser. When the mayor showed up at the hospital, he had to walk down this hallway, In the hallway where hundreds of cops. They turned their backs to him as he walked through. I clapped I cheered, and I cried my eyes out. But mostly I wished so much to be there with those officers and turn my back on him. Daddy, I know you welcomed those two officers home. It is awesome to know they are there with the SAVIOR and a lot other Blue Angels. I hurt so much for their family at home and their family in blue. It always hurts me greatly to lose an officer but these two in this atmosphere Came very close to the way I felt standing at your funeral. I did not understand why but I felt amazing Pride in you and in all of the officers at the funeral. People do not realize what this does to officers children. When you were killed Tommy and I still played cops and robbers. We still did stupid and dangerous stunts on our bikes and skateboards. I remember our huge Toybox ( we were somewhat spoiled,) ( I can't imagine who spoiled us ) at any rate we left all the toys in Saluda when We moved back up here the same week we lost you. We never brought those or any other toys up here. It is hard to remember all that happened but Tommy and I talked about this not long ago and the one thing we both do remember though we never thought about it before. Neither of us ever played again. Never crossed our minds. We had no child left in us after that I love you daddy and you have no clue how very proud I am to this day that you served the most honorable profession. I am sure I make people a little tired of hearing it, but I tell everyone you were a cop. I miss you daddy and as long as I am alive, I will do everything I can to honor your Legacy

Surviving Daughter of Chief Andrew Willi

December 28, 2014

Daddy it has been awhile since I landed here. I have been real buzy this year. My KayKay is with her mama this year. I miss her like Crasy. For 2 years she has been bugging me for a cell phone. I told her she could have 1 when she is 13 but after she went to her mamas there are like 3 people sharing the 1 cell phone ans we never got totalk for hours like we like to.She went back in june and in September I sent her an early Christmas present, You guessed it a cell phone. I just could not stand the idea of her mabey wanting to talk to me and not being able to because the phone is buzy. It is not just any cell phone either, I am a little embarassed about this expecialy since your namesake grandson told me it was about crasy.. I got her a 320.00 dollar Samsung Galaxy S 4 mini. Luckily AT&T lets me pay 13.00 a month installment payments on it.. I dont thinkI have talked about your grandson much. He is 5 and a whirlwind. He is enthralled with anyone in uniform. He has toured every firehouse in henderson county. He has also toured the police department, the sheriff department, and the highway patrol office. Daddy remember how we alwaysspent 2 weeks up on mt. Pisgah every summer..You always said it was the closest place to heaven. Oh how I miss those times. Your Grandson Dennis ANDREW lived up there and worked in the country store. Yep the same country store where you would take me and buy me 5or6 Andies Mints from that plastic jug by cash register. Well that jug full of those mints are still there. Someone else that works up there told denny that Pisgah means People In Search (of) God And Heaven. I know you are going to love that. But listen to this your grandson(dennis ANDREW) is now the manager at the country store. Doesnt that blow your mind. I told him his Grandfather would absolutely be over the moon about that. As manager he does all the ordering for the store He ordered something for me for my birthday He brought me a whole jug of those mints. That was so sweet. I am still doing my No parole for cop killers of course. I have a new project to. The federal goverment wants all officers towear cameras. That scares me because in a life or death struggle if that cop takes evena moment to think about what that camera will show I am afraid that moment of inaction will mean it will show his death. I also believe that these cameras will usher in a lot of bogus Law suits. I believe that every officer should have legal fee insurance and I think the department should pay for them so I am putting together a very large very diverse advisory committee to decide what we can do to see that every officer is covered. Well that pretty much brings you up to date onme and it is 10:30 and I try to get up at 7:00 so I can clean up and start work at8:30 soit is my bedtime. I love you and miss you more every day

Angela McMinn Daughter of Chief of police Andrew Williams killed in 1976

December 10, 2014

Daddy today is your birthday and I miss you so much. I love you more than ever. Your Great Granddaughter is home now for a year. I am so happy to have my Kaykay back She is just one year younger than I was when you were taken from me. She is still just a baby I can not imagine her losing her daddy yet I did and somehow with the help of god got through it. She loves to help me work even just putting files back in the file cabinet tickles her to death. I am so thankful for my work to keep cop killers in jail it helps so much.It just eases the pain of my loss somehow. I love talking to all the officers they remind me so much of David and Boyd and Henry. We missed them so much after you died although we stayed in touch with henry. After he got sick I took care of him on the weekends so mary could get some rest. That was such a privilege cause I loved him so much. We just found out that my favorite ex cop Albert (you did not know him) Has Alzheimer's. When he told me he forbid me to cry what could I say but a smiling 10-4 Thankfully I will get to help take care of him to.Annette cried bringing me home she said she was scared to death that she would have to put him in a nursing home I took one of your sayings and promised her that (as long as I am living and breathing that want happen) Albert went to Washington with us when they unveiled the wall He was my rock there. You would like albert. He is a sweetheart. Well daddy I am going to go but I wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. I love you daddy

Angela McMinn

August 22, 2013

I never knew you. I didn't get the chance. Someday i know you will be waiting for me with open arms. Your granddaughter melody

melody johnson

May 16, 2013

Daddy today I talked to the sweetest sheriff in California of all places. He just kept thanking me for caring about the lost officers. I stopped him and explained to him that he did not have to thank me. I told him about you. I also told him how much the work I do enriches my life in so many ways. We finally agreed that this is what I am meant to do but he said I was The officer's angel on earth. That was so sweet it made me cry. I enjoy so much talking to these officers and hearing their stories. When you died We missed the camaraderie among the officers. It's like I've gotten that back and it means the world to me. And by the way, you still mean the world to me you are still my personal hero. Just wanted you to know

Angela McMinn

April 24, 2013

God Bless and Comfort Chief Williams family and friends. I commend the work of his daughter, Angela McMinn.

Sgt. Hank Edwards
Bessemer Police Department
Bessemer, Al.

Sergeant Hank Edwards
Bessemer Police Department

March 21, 2013

daddy you have been on my mind a lot lately. I have been working very hard `on my project to keep other cop killers in jail.
I put in a lot of hours each week on this but it is what I wan't to be doing.Officer Down has really been making a difference. We have had 57 officers denied in the last year. It's not all us the family's are in there but we have had a large impact on these cases and I am honored to be part of this. I have finally found the ultimate way to honor your memory and help others at the same time. If I had not lost you the way I did I would not be doing this but I want you to know that it is just as much how you lived that makes me want to help others. You and Mom always held out a helping hand to anyone that you thought needed it and that lives on in me. I love you daddy.

Angela McMinn Daughter of Chief of police Andrew Williams killed in 1976

February 28, 2013

well Daddy another Christmas is upon us I am going too see Zaiden open his presents and having Christmas Breakfast at Laras. She did Thanksgiving at Her house, her first holiday dinner in her own house. She did beautifully. The house looked great. The food was great even her first turkey was perfect. I guess she payed attention when Granny and I cooked. by the way how is granny? I miss you both so terribly.Mom and i would shop out the stores the thrift shops and yard sales for months finding great stuff for the kids.And you know mama if their is a bargain she would find it Then we would sit at the kitchen table and wrap it. Tell her Christmas is not Christmas without her. And to both of you As i enjoy my grand kids my one constant wish is that you could see your grand kids and great grand kids then MY Christmas would be complete

Angela McMinn Daughter of Chief of police Andrew Williams killed in 1976

November 24, 2012

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

October 11, 2012

Daddy yesterday you had been killed 36m years ago. It just does not seem so long ago that you played baseball with us teaching me how to bat and catch. It seems like yesterday when I hugged you goodbye for the last time. But what I want you to know that you still live today in my heart and everyday I work to help other families that have lost officers i fight to try to see that no cop killer goes free It, just my way of continuing to say ( I love You Daddy)

Angela Marie McMinn

September 5, 2012

Daddy I woke at 4 am just couldn't sleep. I am working on my project and as usual i landed on your page. I know how you loved country music well there is a new song out that makes me think of you and mama.It's called 'If heaven wasn't so far away" It goes like this
If heaven wasn't so far away
I'd pack up the kids and go for the day
introduce them to their Grandpa
and watch them laugh at the way he talked
Daddy having my babies was when i missed you the most.You would love them.and oh how i wish i could show you my two grand kids.There two and seven.Kaylee is seven and she is my"baby girl" She is beautiful.Then there is Zaiden he's two oh daddy you would have a fit over him. He is so cute and sweet.He always say's please and thank you, and even no thank you.His mama was only 16 when he was born but she has been a wonderful mama i am so proud of her and you would be too.Well there is not time to tell you about all your grand kids but i wanted you to know about KayKay and ZayZay that is what they call each other.

Angela McMinn

March 21, 2012

daddy i am sitting here writing a letter to fight the parole of another cop killer.As i do it my mind always goes to you and the fight to keep your killer in jail.Thank god we were successful and he died in prison.But i want you to know that it is because of the things you taught me,because of the love you gave because of who you were that i try to keep other cop killers in jail.It is why i help any crime victim that comes to me.It is because of you that i care so much.Because you always cared so much

Angela McMinn

February 25, 2012

I visited Saluda yesterday for the first time and came across the bench memorializing your service to the city. Very fitting and appropriate that it would be located across the street from the current police station. I was impressed by the quality and brevity of the display and was very moved by it. What a senseless act and terrible loss.

Lyle Hansen Private citizen
Northerner touring the south for winter.

February 20, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 33rd anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service to my home state and the birthplace of my son. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

I am glad your town honored you. I know that it means a lot to your family.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

September 3, 2009

Daddy the memorial they made for you is beautiful and I was so honored to be there with your family and friends.As I stood there and tried to speak of you and the other officers that have died so bravely I was filled with a peace knowing that you were remembered for all time there in the town you loved so much.Daddy your love and bravery live in my heart and will always.I also felt a deep desire to keep working to fight the paroles of Police killers and to fight to keep all of the other officers memories alive.I love you daddy.


June 10, 2008

The town of Saluda, with the help of some very dedicated officers, just erected a memorial in your honor. I wish I could have been there to personally pay my respects.

God bless your family and thank you for your service.

Larry Wright
Los Angeles Police Department

May 18, 2008

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