Warren County Constable's Office, Kentucky
End of Watch Friday, October 26, 1990
Reflections for Constable Edward Earl Flora
Today is your day! Had things not have happened today you would be 97 years old. I often wonder what you would have been like as you aged & the thing that gets me is that "wondering" is all I get to do. Happy Birthday Pa! You are loved today just as much as you were on your birthday in 1990! My heart hurts more each year though because of the "wondering"
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
January 30, 2025
Condolences to his family
Carson loveless
April 19, 2024
Happy Birthday Pa! Long day yesterday & failed to post the message however you were certainly on my mind. Love you miss you.
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
January 31, 2024
Year 33- still makes no sense all these years later than it did when it happened. 33 years of determination that we will not stop fighting to keep the one responsible for this behind bars. We will absolutely keep on. You have no idea how often your thought of, mentioned, loved & missed. EOW 10/26/90 seems like a lifetime other times seems just like yesterday. We love you we miss you & always will
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
October 26, 2023
Here we are adding another year. Today marks year # 33. Does it hurt as bad today as it did then, absolutely. Can we make sense of why it happened, absolutely not. Can you rest assured knowing we will continue to fight tooth & toenail to keep the one responsible behind bars - ABSOLUTELY! I have & will continue to ask why until I get an answer or there’s no life left in me. RIP Pa love & miss you always.❤️
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
October 26, 2023
Happy Birthday Pa❤️today you would have been the ripe old age of 95 - I often wonder what if & what would Pa do/say . Today is as gloomy of a day as the day you were taken but I hope you have a day pictured like this. A day on an old case bulldozer, a Massey Ferguson (IH now) tractor with your overhaul jacket & a chew of tobacco. That would be a good day! Love you miss you #EOW10/26/90
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
January 30, 2023
32 years today. Still just as heartbroken today as I was then. An absolute senseless act by a 17 year old who to this day still can’t say why he shot. He did feed us a line of crap that that was his first time shooting a pistol. Yeah whatever. I suppose if there is a bright light to any of this is that when we went to Frankfort a couple years ago he was given an additional 10 years & I remember thinking when we were traveling Bluegrass Pkway that Mimmie likely wouldn’t have to endure this trip again & she didn’t. We lost her 1/31/21. Rest assure that when we are notified he’s up for parole again we will go back live this all over again & pray to God that the parole board sees fit to keep him right where he’s been for the last 30 years in prison . We love you & miss you daily but this time of year it’s harder. #EOW 10/26/1990
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
October 26, 2022
Wishing you a Happy Birthday today! I hope you knew what you meant to all of us & want you to know though you’re not physically here we still celebrate you today! Love you Pa ❤️
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
January 30, 2022
31 years ago today you were taken from us, by a senseless crime by a teenager. I was just 16 years old and it seems like it was just yesterday! I miss you so much. I miss Mimmie so much, but knowing y’all are together again gives me some type of peace. I hate that you were stripped from your grandkids and now great grandkids and great great grandkids. Our family just keeps growing and I know you and Mimmie both will continue to watch over us all! Rest easy, until we meet again!
Tonya Beck
2nd oldest grandchild
October 26, 2021
31 years ago, the day that changed our lives forever. As I sit here tonight & reflect on things - I can’t help but think of a family friend of ours who has lost their youngest child over the weekend. The more time passes the more I think I despise the month of October. As Moma said a long time ago I just soon skip it, outside of Moma Tonya & Casey’s being born for us nothing good has graced us in Oct. I am however grateful that the one who is responsible for your death is still in prison & hopefully that will remain where he resides the rest of his time on earth. Kelsea will be 11 next month & she is definitely a farm girl. I do believe you would be pretty smitten with her & I know she would you. We talk of you often so she knows who you are in memory. Rest In Peace Pa, we love you❤️
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
October 25, 2021
I wanted to stop by and write on your page today. It’s hard to believe that you will be gone nearly 31 years coming up next month. I have grieved and missed you everyday of 31 years. It’s also hard to believe that Mimmie has also left us, and now we grieve her. I wanted to pick the phone up and call her with some news today and couldn’t. I know you would be proud of me for following in your footsteps. I’m now in my sophomore year of Criminal Justice. I want to make a difference and help keep crime off the streets. I know you are happy in heaven now with Mimmie there with you. I just can’t help but to miss you both so much. Y’all we’re definitely the glue to our family. I love you and hope to see you when my time comes.
Tonya Beck
2nd oldest grandchild
September 21, 2021
As I stand in the hallway of the hospital with Mimmie as she continues to decline, just wanted to wish you Pa a Happy Birthday. We miss you dearly but will never ever forget you. RIP Pa, we love you dearly ❤️
Oldest grandchildren Crystal C Young
January 30, 2021
30 years have passed sometimes it truly feels like a lifetime other days it’s seems like just a few months. We are still left here for absolutely no reason, asking why? The day today is much like it was then, drizzling rain & dreary. I will reflect on the good times today in your honor. I will NOT let Brian Woodcock win today! Miss you, love you! RIP Pa
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
October 26, 2020
Happy Birthday Pa. Miss you dearly...love you.
Crystal Croslin Young
Oldest Grandchild
January 30, 2020
Happy Birthday Pa! Love you & miss you dearly.
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
January 30, 2020
October 26,1990 is definitely a day we will never forget. For me the day was just as any other day, school & work. However the events there after was anything but normal. The day ended with a death & the Flora family in shock left to figure out how to accept our new normal, which is without you Pa. Well for 29 years we’ve done the best we could however it’s still not good. 29 years it still hurts like it was yesterday, still are asking why, I go through so many emotions this time of year. You know this year it’s just MAD, I’m just mad. Senseless! I however am grateful that the parole board heard not only my anger but my sisters pain my moma & daddy’s pain & heartbreak , as well as the rest of my family’s pain & in August of ‘19 they seen fit to keep Brian Woodcock, the one responsible for all these emotions, behind bars for an additional 10 years. So in 2029 we will go fight again. For now though Pa I just want to pay homage to you - you were hard but that’s what this world needs more of, now more than ever. Accountability, responsibility, actions & consequence morals -we could use these a bit more to make everyday better. Thank you for your toughness I will always do my best to be that example for my child & others that you were for me. RIP Pa #GoneButNotForgotten
Oldest grandchild Crystal C Young
October 26, 2019
First & foremost, the Flora family would like to THANK the men & women that served as our voice & represented us during your time on our case. My grandfather, Earl Flora, Pa, as we called him, he was a mighty fine man. Wish you all could have met him under different circumstances. 10 years will come fairly quick things you notice as you get older, but I personally am grateful for for the 10 year deferment. My grandmother will be 88 on the 29th of this month, that’s the best birthday present she probably will receive. I am thankful you all listened to our pain felt our hurt & believed that Brian Woodcock’s residence is as is for the safety of all. Many thanks for your care concern & love for not only our family, but for our community & country as a whole. God Bless!
Oldest grandchild Crystal Young
August 12, 2019
Well yesterday proved that there’s still hope. Moms called after she has spoken with Frankfort. The 2 couldn’t agree on what needed to be done with Brian Woodcock’s fate, so our case will be presented again Monday, this time , the full parole board panel, will have to decide. Majority rules, so yes , I am greedy I pray for our cries pleas & representation of Earl Flora, was heard & they give him a serve out. However, I’d they settle on 2, 5, or 10 years then we will gladly accept & will return to Frankfort when time is up.
Crystal Young
August 8, 2019
Call was received today from Frankfort, the 2 couldn’t come to an agreement in our case, so Monday, it will go before the whole parole board & we will know something hopefully after they meet. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers love & support. Please keep praying we hear good news.
Oldest grandchild Crystal Young
August 7, 2019
So we wait! We have once again traveled from Bowling Green to Frankfort to meet the parole board. Brian Woodcock will have his pleas heard Wednesday the 7th, but for now I feel that our cries, pleas, emotions, frustration & anger has been heard. We shall see.
Crystal C Young
Oldest grabdhc
August 5, 2019
Well once again I’m asking for help! August 5, 2019 we will head to Frankfort once again, in hopes that the parole board hears our pleas. Please join me in asking that they whomever they are, that Brian Woodcock is given a serve out sentence. We will continue to fight til there’s no fight left. You Pa deserve that!! I still am asking the same question 29 yrs later, as of 2 yrs ago, at his last attempt to get out, was given the same answer, no answer.
Oldest grandchild Crystal C. Young
Warren County, Bowling Green KY
July 10, 2019
Rest in peace Constable Flora.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 17, 2019
Today Oct 26, 2018...
This time of year more so than ever is a time of reflection for me. Today started off with a costume contest at RES for Kelsea, she tied for 3rd place in the most original category. Why does this matter? It matters because I’m having to type it in on this iPhone rather than telling you face to face, though you’d think it was silly, it matters because it’s part of your legacy. Nichole’s 2 girls also participated.
Today is drizzling rain & just out right yucky, best I remember 28 years ago it had been a very similar kind of day with the weather. I worked at K-mart at the time part time & got off went to Three Springs ball park for a Co-Ed softball game, why does this matter because over & over in my reflection I remember you telling Moma what good is that going to do you all, that’s not gonna put food on the table nor money in your pocket. You were right it couldn’t do that but it kept me out of trouble. I often think wish Brian Woodcock had of participated in something that kept him out of trouble but it didn’t. He is the reason I’m typing this on this website. He & I are very close to the same age but my life took a better path. I will be employed next month for 21 years @ BGMU, utility company that serves the city of Bowling Green. I’ve been married soon to be 10 years in the spring, we’ve got a gorgeous soon to be 8 year old, why does this matter...it matters because this is part of you & your legacy.
Not to say that Moma & Daddy didn’t have a had in the way I turned out because they absolutely did, but they too learned from you, hard work never hurt anyone, honesty & integrity are values you want to be used when people reflect & remember you.
I am soon to be 46 years old & never have I ever heard a bad word said against you or your name & for that Pa, that tells what kind of person you were. The values you had & showed were honorable. I only hope we can continue to represent the Flora name the same way you did.
Next year we’ll have to go back to Frankfort & fight but rest asssure yourself we will do so. We’ll keep fighting til there’s no fight left.
RIP Pa! We love you & miss you always.
Crystal C Young
Oldest grandchild
October 26, 2018
Pa, we are nearing the 28th year that you were taken from us. As I sit here today and look across the field at your house, I can’t help to be sad. I miss you so much and I often find myself asking you for advise. Times have really been tough for me this year, but I always remember my family bond and that I can overcome anything that’s thrown at me. Your great grandson whom you never got to meet has given you a great-great grandson. He will be 1 also this month. A lot of Birthdays in Oct. Mine, Casey, Janet, and now Knox. We are all so blessed to have had the time we had with you. Even tho my time was only 16 years, I’m just so thankful you taught me the love and respect I have today. Mimmie has kept the family together and I can only pray after she is gone we all stay close and together. Crystal has always been the mother hen of getting things together (cause she is the oldest grandchild lol) and I’m glad she does. Anyways I was just sitting here looking at all you built over the years and wanted to write you. I miss you and love you Pa, more than you know. I will always keep your name alive and us grandkids, great grandkids and now great great grandkids will do our best to keep Brian Woodcock in jail. May you Rest In Peace and see ya on the other side.
Tonya Beck
2nd oldest grandchild
October 8, 2018
Today you would have been 91....I find myself often thinking..."what if" this or that. Today I wonder what type of 91 year old you would have been. That's all I can do it think it because of the act of Brian Woodcock. So instead of maybe coming to your house this evening & having supper with you I sit behind a computer screen & keyboard to tell you Happy Birthday! Painful yes, but today is your day.
Love you Pa,
Crystal C Young
Oldest Grandchild
January 30, 2018