Prince George's County Police Department, Maryland
End of Watch Thursday, May 2, 1963
Reflections for Private Alfred W. Steinat
I have been where you fear to go...
I have seen what you fear to see...
I have done what you fear to do...
All these things I've done for you.
I am the one you lean upon...
The one you cast your scorn upon...
The one you bring your troubles to...
All these people I've been for you.
The one you ask to stand apart...
The one you feel should have no heart...
The one you call the man in blue...
But I am human just like you.
And through the years I've come to see...
That I'm not what you ask of me...
So take this badge and take this gun...
Will you take it? Will anyone?
And when you watch a person die...
And hear a battered baby cry...
Then so you think that you can be
All those things you ask of me...?
"Tears Of A Cop" - author unknown
I just read this today and thought of you and everyother, man in blue just doing there job. On this paticular day, years ago, Feb. 12th your mother died. I know she is there to watch over you too. I miss her greatly as, she was my beloved grandmother and I'm just having a hard time today missing her too.
Terri Zornak
February 12, 2007
I love you dad.
December 31, 2006
sleep well, oh brave one
WMET 1160
October 17, 2006
Daddy, I was thinking about how long 43 years is. I love you. Carolyn
Carolyn Setzer
May 4, 2006
Dad, Im thinking about you today just like everyday.
I love you
May 2, 2006
Officer Steint was truely a top officer during his time as an police. The history read on how he severed, lets us know that Prince George's County Police from past to present has some of the best officers known of. How Officer Steinat showed his act of bravey ruthless determination to act out justiceon May 2, 1963 makes me proud to have worn the same bage as he did. God Bless you, as you enjoy the other world, where there is no hate, killing or robbiers. Take Care and Rest In Peace, Sure.
Former P.G.P.D Officer
Prince George's County
April 30, 2006
It's been awhile since I've been here. Moms sick again and it worries me. Please watch over her. I love you, Carole
Carolyn Setzer
March 24, 2006
Just a note to let you I think about you every day.
I was talking to some people the other day....You know, The kind of people who think police like doing what they do so they can push people around. Anyway, one of them said the police like to shoot first and ask questions later. As I turned to walk away I told him about you and how much I wish his statement was true.
January 29, 2006
Brother Steinat,
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
You’re Brothers in Blue
Untouchables LE Motorcycle Club
December 14, 2005
please watch over Walt while he serves in the Gulf Coast. He has been in New Orleans three weeks and now hurricane Rita is making land fall. I miss him very much, but I know thats where he is needed. I'm very worried but I know he is a very smart and well trained man in what he is doing. Please guide him home soon. Wally, Clayton, Michael, Jacqui and I still need him very much.
I love you,
Daddys girl, Carolyn
carolyn setzer, daughter
September 24, 2005
I have never forgotten You and the price you paid in all the years that have past. When I was on patrol, and when I made a traffic stop you were very much present. I am going to Washington, DC Sept 20,2005 and will go to the wall to see your name and Sgt. Jeo Brown. I also served with a very good friend of yours Cpl. John Stout. God Bless you and all of your family. Jerry W
Gerald (Jerry) Warner
Prince Georges County # 187
September 3, 2005
Hi daddy,
It's been a tough week here. Walt, Jacqui, and I are moving to Tucson Az to be with mom just as another officer went down. I'm still in Georgia where another officer went down. They were both laid to rest on the same day. Too close to home. I feel as if I'm reliving everthing all over again.
I'm also very worried about mom. She's having test done in Sept. Moms very optimistic and so am I. I wish you were here to be with us but, You are there watching over us. I wish I could just sit on your shoulders one more time. I love you very very much and will always will love you.
Your daddys girl, Cookie
Carolyn Setzer
August 17, 2005
Dear P/O Alfred Steinat,
A long overdue thanks for giving it your all. I have been honored to walk on your behalf at our candlelight vigil several times. I've had the pleasure of meeting your wife and your son, Bob. The place where you were killed isn't a mile from my home and everytime I pass it I think of a brave young patrolman fighting for his life along that road in '63. May God keep you and your family in His hands. Well served Peace Officer.
Cpl. Tony Masino #1135
Prince George's County Police Department
June 27, 2005
Hi daddy,
Next week is police week and again I won't be able to be there. I keep saying I'll make it this year, but something always comes up. I try to go home at least once a year and visit you at the cemetery but I don't see how I can this year. I think about you all the time. Everytime I get on the computer I look at your picture. Usually I just stare at it but more often than not, I wonder what it would be like to have you here with us. There's just much you have missed. I have Michael & Jacqui, Larry has Christopher & Joe, Patti has Danni, and Bobby has John, Elizabeth & Jessie. All never meeting their grandfather. I know I'm feeling sorry for myself. You don't how much was taken away from us that horrible night. I still have my memories and I share them all with my kids and husband. I have my corner shelves with all you're things there. Everybody hears all about you when they come in my house. I am so very proud to be your daughter. I love you very and miss you.
May 10, 2005
Uncle Al,
I never new you personally. You died long before I was born. I know of you only from my families memories. My mother, your sister, keeps your memory alive everyday. She thinks of you often and we keep the blue light in the window. She even tells your great-nephew about you. She keeps a cross and a badge on a chain around her neck. She tells my son it is the cross of Jesus and the badge of Uncle Al. Your family still misses you and thinks of you often. You will never be forgotten.
Terri Zornak
May 9, 2005
How wonderful to know that the memories live on in the hearts and minds of those left behind.
Know that you are not forgotten.
While your watch on this earth has ended, ours continues.
May 2, 2005
Dear Daddy, In one week it will be 42 years since I last saw you. You had a wife, 4 children, 1 sister 2 brothers, a mom & dad. Now you have 8 grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. We are doing well. We all have our ups downs. I remember being the biggest daddys girl in the world. Now my daughter, Jacqui has taken my place with her daddy being the biggest daddys girl. I love you and always think about you. I know one day I'll see you again. You're EOW on earth was May 2 1963 but eternally you're watch goes on.
I love you, carole
carolyn e steinat setzer
April 26, 2005
I was moved by your son's reflection. It is so good to hear he is doing fine. You must be proud of him as he is of you and your sacrifice. You have never been forgotten. God Speed Officer Steinat.
December 25, 2004
Officer Steinat,
I have now met all of your children. I feel you would be proud with how much love there is in your family. I look forward to meeting your wife. I know your son Bob best and know that you are always on his mind. I keep sacred the loss of a father for I too lost my father. Be at peace for your family is doing fine and there is now a place for all of them to grieve and get support when they need it. I will always be there for all of them as well.
Officer Steinat,
Though the years have passed, your memory stays alive in the heart of your son Bob. He continues his efforts to perserve your memory & to ensure that your death and those to follow will not be in vain. His pain has been felt by many of us,who too lost our parent in the line of duty. Time has gone on for many people, but for us we are still the children you left behind in the 60's.
Now we have a support group of friends to ensure that others will be eased during this most difficult time and to know it's ok to hurt so many years later.
God Bless Your Soul and the family you left behind.
Ann Becker Alexandrino
hialeah pd
Officer Steinat,
I wanted you to know that your son Bob grew up to be a great guy. He keeps your memory alive and shares your sacrifice with others to help them grow and honor others who, like you, gave thier lives in the cause of freedom.
Mark Edmondson
Dad, I never got to meet you, but you knew I was on the way. You worked 4 jobs to make ends meet and to raise your family. One of those jobs was to go out and put your life on the line, and you paid the price. From what I've heard, you loved your work in every way, no one has ever said a bad thing about you, but I know we are all human.
On the night you died you laid on the side of the road.....What does a man think, knowing he's about to die? Knowing he's leaving a pregnant wife and 3 young kids? Dad if you were worried, we did OK. But I cant wait for the day to finally meet you. Until then you will be in my heart and your name on my lips everyday when I speak.
I promise.
Robert A.W. Steinat