Sioux Falls Police Department, South Dakota
End of Watch Saturday, September 23, 1922
Reflections for Night Captain Edward Pike
I was an officer with the Sioux Falls Police Dept from 1978 to 1986 amd was unaware of any officer killed in the line of duty. Hopimg that the two officers that lost their lives protecting our citizenry are now memorialized at the Public Safety Center so that we may never forget.
USMS Retired
Former SFPD Sr Patrolman
June 4, 2023
This is the 100th anniversary of Captain Edward Pike, my grandfather’s death in the line of duty. I am very proud of him & his service. My father would also be a proud son. RIP grandpa. I wish I would have known you in person.
Sharon Pike Boger
November 16, 2022
Capt. Pike,
On today, the 100th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Sioux Falls. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
United States Border Patrol
September 23, 2022
No passage of time will ever erase your service and sacrifice. Rest in peace always.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
September 23, 2020
My name is Alan Mora I’m a recently retired Albuquerque Police Lieutenant of 30yrs. Captain Pike was my great grandfather. Thank You for your Courage & Service! RIP
Alan Mora Lieutenant
Albuquerque Great Grandson
March 26, 2020
This man is my great, great grandfather. R.I.P. Grandpa Pike!
Teresa Myers
March 6, 2020
Rest in peace Night Captain Pike.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 13, 2019
Thank you Grandfather for giving life to my wonderful grandmother Vivian Pike Mora. Rest in Peace
Loraine Mora Quintana
Great Grandaughter
November 29, 2013
Your heroism and service is honored today, the 90th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.
Time never diminishes respect. You will always be remembered and revered.
Rest In Peace
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
September 23, 2012
Daily Argus Leader, Sep 25, 1922
States Attorney Waggoner Delays Preliminary Hearing Pending Outcome of Police Investigation. Funeral at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
No arraignment will be held today in the matter of the seven men picked up Saturday evening, in connection with the shooting of Night Captain, Edward Pike. This was the statement issued by states Attorney Waggoner. Several matters have been found in connection with the men who are being held for arraignment and the state is not ready at present to call the case before a court without further investigation. The following men are being held: John Gotch, Roy Lodge, Ed Webber, Russel Denbo, Regnald Knott, Lee Bechtold.
The murder of Pike, at 715 S. 4th Ave, at 10:30 o'clock, Saturday night, came as a climax to an investigation which police and state officials have carried on for the past week of the robberies of the Tuthill Hardware Store, at Ellis; the bank at Willow Lake; and the theft of $60,000 in jewelry, from the Milwaukee Depot.
Capt Pike and Motorcycle Policeman, Russel Bernau, went to 715 S 4th Ave, just after 10 o'clock, having been tipped that a car would show up there before midnight, and that the occupants would bring part of the loot obtained at the Milwaukee Depot. Just where their tip came from the police would not say.
Arriving at their destination the two officers hid themselves behind the wood shed in the rear of the lot. They had waited only a few minutes when a Oakland car, with one man in it, drove up the alley and stopped a few feet south of the wood shed. The man took a flashlight from his pocket and started flashing its light around the house. As the light traveled over the back yard it threw Pike into full view.
Pike Starts Firing - Just as the light struck him, Pike opened fire. Officer Bernau on the other side of the shed, also opened fire. Then the man in the car, thought to be John Gotch, started shooting. At the first shots, Pike fell with 3 bullets in his body. The man, after emptying his 45 cal. automatic, leaped from the car and fled. Officer Bernau got a description of the man but did not go after him because of going to the assistance of the Captain. No explanation was given by Bernau or other police officers as to why Capt Pike opened fire without first calling for him to surrender; other than Gotch was known as a dangerous man, and would shoot on sight.
"They got me Russel", shouted Capt Pike as he fell to the ground. As soon as Pike cried out that he'd been hit, Policeman Bernau stopped shooting and rushed to the aid of his stricken companion. Pike was lying near the corner of the wood shed. He was picked up and carried to the front of the house, and the car and a taxi were summoned to take him to the hospital. "As Pike sat there on the front steps of the house he tried to tell me where...
*PAGE TWO - ...he was hit," said Bernau, "but he would have a chance to say only a few words when he would choke up with the blood from his wounds, and would start coughing."
When the police car reached the scene of the shooting a taxi was already there. Pike was picked up by a number of excited people in the neighborhood who had come out scantilly clad, immediately following the shooting. "Are you men officers?" questioned a woman in the group, as the police car drew up to the curb. "My God, this man is dying. Get him to a hospital, quick!" Pike was made as comfortable as possible, and rushed to McKenna Hospital. He was conscious all the time and spoke several times to those who were holding him.
"Unloosen my belt," said Pike, just before he was carried into the hospital, "It seems uncomfortable." His belt and gun were taken off and he thanked the men for their trouble. Once in the hospital, Pike seemed to be greatly concerned over his family and made numerous requests that his wife be called at once. After reaching the hospital the officer seemed to lose some of the control which he had exhibited on his ride to the hospital, and as the nurse started to prepare his bed for him he tried to arise from the chair shouting, "I've got to get out of here!"
*Wounded Three Times - He was quieted by the nurse, placed in bed, and lay quiet until Dr C.C. Cottam arrived. A hasty examination of Capt Pike showed that he was mortally wounded. One bullet had entered his right brest and passed through his body, coming out his left side. Another, which entered under his left armpit, traveled down the entire length of his arm and came out near his left wrist. The third, hit him in the right leg. It was the wound to his chest that caused death, according to Dr Cottam.
Just a few minutes after Dr Cottam had arrived, Mrs Pike came to the bedside of her stricken husband. Although not strong and subject to fainting spells, the woman held up remarkably well, and attempted to quiet her husband. Dr Cottam, finishing his exam of the wounded officer, told her that his condition was serious but she took the news well and continued to comfort her husband. After a few minutes at his bedsde, Mrs Pike was taken to the waiting room at the hospital. It was there, a few minutes later, that the news of Capt Pikes death was told to her. She fainted and was sent home in company with a nurse from the hospital.
*Second Man Hunt - As news of the slaying reached the citizens, Sioux Falls prepared for the second man hunt within a month. Crowds of people gathered at the police station; automobiles were hastily summoned and rifles and pistols given out to a number of citizens who were eager to help run down the murderer of the officer.
Chief of Police, Charles K Johnston, was soon at the station and took charge of the man hunt. The police dragnet was started in motion and soon officers were bringing in to the police stations who were suspected of the crime or who could give some information. The first two men picked up were Raymon and Glenn Knott, brothers who live in the neighborhood of the scene of the shooting. The car abandoned by the murderer was brought into the police station and at once identified as one belonging to Glenn Knott. "You are here and under arrest as a suspect in the murder of Capt Pike," said Attorney L E Waggoner in talking to Knott, "Whether you will be able to get out depends on what you tell us of the shooting. We want the truth, and want it quick."
*Midnight Raid - When informed of the seriousness of the charge Glenn Knott immediately told the officers all he knew of the affair. "I let Gotch have my car last night," said Knott, "but I never expected anything like this would happen. You will find him and the rest of the gang at Butler's."
This was about midnight. Several officers left at once for the Howard Butler home at 110 N Prairie Ave. Everything was in confusion there. As the officers entered, Gotch ran to the stairs and into the bathroom. He he was captured and brought to the station. A careful search of the house resulted in the finding of several guns, boxes of cartridges, articles of jewelry, shotgun shells, and flashlights. One revolver had been thrown into the toilet, another was under the tub, and two were found in dresser drawers. A number of cartridges of the same calibre as those which were shot into Capt Pike were found in Gotch's pockets.
When taken to the station, Gotch was questioned at length by the States Attorney and officers, but made no confession although he was confronted with the mass of evidence which the police had accumulated. Several others suspected of knowing something about the two robberies which lead up to the shooting, are expected to be arrested later today.
*Bernau's Story - "Pike and I went to the house at 715 S 4th Ave, a little after 10 o'clock. we his ourselves behind the wood shed and settled down to wait for our man to appear." "We had been there only a few minutes when a car shot up the alley and came to a stop just south of the woodshed. The driver "killed" his motor and then drew a flashlight which he used to ascertain if the coast was clear. When the light flashed to the woodshed, Pike was standing on the corner. He made no effort to conceal himself but started firing. The driver of the car then opened up and I also started firing. I don't believe any of our shots took effect, although there were several holes in the automobile."
*Trap Set Once Before - It became know yesterday that the murder of the Night Captain was the result of the second attempt to arrest Gotch and his gang when they had in their possession jewelry alleged to have been stolen from the Milwaukee Depot. Details of the Willow Lake bank robbery, the Tuthill Hardware Store robbery, and the Milwaukee jewelry theft were placed together by sheriff officials and local police, and lead them to believe that the three burglaries were committed by the same gang.
Thursday night the trap was all set for the capture of the bandit gang. Some officers went to the house at 715 S 4th Ave, and others to Wall Lake to await the bringing in of the loot. Someone evidently tipped the criminals that the police were waiting for them and the officers came back empty handed. Immediately following the shooting a ----- hurried to Wall Lake thinking that some of the gangwould go to the rendezvous which had been established there. The persons suspected of the crime did not show up but the officers noticed a light in a small house made an investigation and broke up what they termed a nice quiet drinking party. No arrests were made but the two women and six men in the house were ordered to get home.
Funeral services for Capt Pike will be held Tuesday afternoon at the East Side Presbyterian Church at 2:30 o'clock. Capt Pike was born in Sioux City, IA, March 4, 1877, and lived there until about 10 years ago when he came to Sioux Falls. He has been a member of the police force for several years and was appointed night police captain the first of this month. He is survived by his wife and six children, and by his mother, two sisters, Mrs Luther Barker, and Mrs A L Tone; and one brother C H Pike; all of Sioux City, IA.
Linda Stires Marquez - relative
June 18, 2012
Captain Pike, you are not forgotten, RIP
Det. Michael Kane
Boston Police Dept
December 31, 2011
Rest in peace Grandpa
Debra Pike
September 22, 2010
Thank you Grandpa for being such a wonderful man. Your courage was unbelievable. My Dad was very proud of you and I feel very fortunate knowing you and Dad are in Heaven protecting us. I Love You, Darlene
Darlene Huebner
May 9, 2007
Thank you so much for your courage. You are not forgotten. Rest in Piece.
Thankful Citizen
April 3, 2007
Captain Pike,
You are not forgotten, sir. Thank you for putting yourself in harm's way, honorably performing what was asked of you, on behalf of the citizens of Sioux Falls.
Rest in peace.
Paul G.
Brother, William P. Davis, EOW 11/03/2003
March 16, 2005