Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department, New York
End of Watch Monday, December 22, 1980
Reflections for Police Officer William J. Perry
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PA William Perry grew up in the same town as me. He was a senior in HS when I was a freshman. I did not know him other than to know who he was. His death on Dec 22, 1980 was a shock to the town. A year later on Dec 21,1981 we lost another member of his class NJSP Trooper II Philip Lamonaco. Both their deaths created a trauma and loss to all who knew them. All these years later the loss of both has never been forgotten nor has the prayers for both their families. You will always be in our hearts. I will always be for them in any way I can support them. Senseless murders of two great human beings and trauma to all who knew & loved them for a lifetime. Always in the family corner. Rest in peace. Your friends will continue your mission.
Civil Service - Legal Secretary Eleanor
MC Pros Office - ret
December 29, 2021
It is a shame that someone loses their life over a cigarette, but the bigger shame as this swine who shot Perry is out of prison, to me anyone shoots a police officer should be denied life, the Justice system is a sham, no justice for the victims may God have mercy for Officer Perry. And may Karma destroy the punk that did this deed.
Richard J. Troy retired Ptlm
Port Authority Police Retired
October 15, 2019
Rest in peace Officer Perry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 5, 2019
Each year we celebrate Bill Perry's life in December 22nd at Hamilton's Tavern in Roselle, NJ. This started out with 30+ guys many years ago and in the recent years very few left. Last year we had only one man left that continues to celebrate his life, Officer Perry's Partner in Roselle, retired Police Chief Wayne Garrison. This is a tradition that he continues today. Although Officer Perry was gone before I was born I would love to spread the word about our yearly gathering and invite others who knew and loved him to attend as well.
We will meet this year Saturday, December 22nd at 7pm, 639 w. 1st avenue in Roselle at Hamilton's Tavern. All are welcome to attend.
Friend of Officer Perry's former partner
December 4, 2018
Officer William J. Perry will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in Heaven, and may God bless his family.
First Sergeant Thomas Webb (Retired)
New York State Police - Troop D
February 23, 2018
I did not know Officer Perry or his family at the time he was killed. I came to know his daughter many years later, and through her, his wife. Both of them are incredibly strong. His daughter is an amazing woman. There are so many beautiful reflections that have been stated here to honor Officer Perry's memory. It is also evident of the lasting hurt that is felt by his loss. I think about my dear friend and her family and their loss throughout the year, but especially around this time of year during the anniversary of his death and especially being so close to the holidays when families are usually celebrating together.
Officer Perry's family should know that he is not forgotten, nor are they. I am grateful for police officers and other first responders who put their lives on the line for us citizens, as well as their families for the sacrifices they make. I don't know how they do it, but I'm grateful that they do.
Friend of Officer Perry's daughter
December 5, 2017
My father's funeral was on Christmas Eve. Now I've written an inspirational Christmas book to demonstrate to criminals everywhere that love is stronger than hate and that you can't kill the human spirit. Please consider supporting my efforts to demonstrate what a survivor can do by giving a copy of The Holiday Party book to a loved one this Christmas. You can find my book on Amazon.
Brian Perry - author of The Holiday Party & surviving son of William Perry
Brian Perry
Surviving Son
November 20, 2016
RIP Bill, praying for your family
LT. Chet Weekes (Ret)
Port Authority NY&NJ Police
December 22, 2015
My deepest condolences, may your father's memory forever live on in your heart. My father was Norman R. Cerullo killed in the line of duty out of the 79th Pct. In 1979, April 2. , my 7th birthday. Every year I take that day to Celebrate his life. These men in Blue are unsung hero's . Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas!
Robin Cerullo
December 22, 2015
I said a little prayer today for Police Office Perry and his family. He may be gone but never forgotten. He will always be a New York HERO.
Robyn Wilkes
December 16, 2015
I have written a book in honor of my father, William J. Perry. It is fiction, but tells the story of a troubled police officer trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center, and how that officer eventually overcomes the loss of his partner and his father in the line of duty. The book is dedicated to my father and to my son, who is named after the grandfather he will never know. It is called "The Holiday Party" - I think my dad would like it.
Brian Perry
Surviving Son
May 5, 2015
Thank you for the job you did. Thank you for the legacy you left behind. Thank you for always being an inspiration. Thank you for representing us so proudly. May Almighty God smile upon the family you left behind and may you always be a Guardian Angel to the young PAPD Officers that walk your beat, deep under ground protecting the clueless people that brave men such as yourself swear to protect.
New Jersey/Yorker
April 10, 2015
I was on the PATH train with Officer Perry on Dec 22, 1980. I boarded the PATH train in Newark on my way to NYC to Sam Goody to buy record albums as Xmas presents. The person who killed Officer Perry boarded the PATH train with a boom box and a lit cigarette. Officer Perry was in plainclothes and I did not know he was a police officer until he approached the killer, identified himself as a police officer, and asked the killer to put out his cigarette and turn down the volume on his boom box. Officer Perry was very courteous to the killer and told him he didn't want any problems -- he just wanted the killer to put out his cigarette and turn off his boom box. The killer was belligerent to Officer Perry each time Officer Perry made his request to the killer. When we entered the Journal Square station Officer Perry announced to everyone on the PATH car that he was arresting the killer and asked all of us to exit the train car. As Officer Perry exited the car with the killer, the killer spun around, grabbed Officer Perry, and they both fell off the platform and onto the tracks. After a few seconds I heard a POP, POP, POP, and the killer jumps up from the tracks with a gun in his hand, looks at all of us, turns and runs off. I later read that he was caught and sent to jail for life.
The recent assassination of the two police officers last week in NYC and the article in the NY Daily News on Christmas Day brought back vividly the events of Dec 22, 1980 for me. I remember distinctively what happened in that PATH car that day; that the killer got on the car with the lit cigarette and boom box and dared anyone to say anything to him. This was 1980 when 8 people a day were being killed in NYC. Officer Perry was much shorter than the killer and he could have ignored him and he would be alive today. But Officer Perry saw how scared everyone was when the killer got on the PATH train and he became the "blue line" between everyone on that car and the killer, and I am very sorry that he lost his life that day protecting me and everyone else on that train car.
What is even more sadder than Officer Perry's senseless death is that I read the killer was released after 22 years in jail. I saw the killer get on the train and I was 10 feet from him when he jumped up from the tracks after mortally wounding Officer Perry . He looked like he didn't give a shit about anyone and he should have never seen the light of freedom after killing Officer Perry . If I had the slightest idea that the killer was up for parole I would have told my story to the parole board and asked them to make sure the killer was never released.
Seeing this story today in the daily news and seeing the picture of Officer Perry's son Brian brought tears to my eyes once again -- 34 years after that tragic day. Any of us could have been killed that day be the killer with the gun in his pocket and a chip on his shoulder if not for Officer Perry -- and as a result I have had the opportunity to live a great life with two wonderful kids and a wife of 30 years that is my everything. That day seared forever in my soul the reason why the police are the only thing that stand between us and the killers that cross our "PATH" every day.
May Officer Perry rest in peace and his family know that he was truly a hero on Dec 22, 1980 and I will forever appreciate his bravery that day.
December 25, 2014
I did not know or nor had I ever met Officer William Perry. At the time of his murder I was a Detective at the East Orange NJ PD. The Animal who killed him was wanted by myself and others for a series of shootings and street robberies. Warrants for his arrest were issued and we were actively attempting to apprehend him. We had of course heard of the murder of the officer, and almost immediately several of our officers had developed informatinn indicating that Fernando Odom was in fact Officer Perry's murderer. The PAPD was immediately notified and the investigation swung into high gear. New Years Eve was spent in our office along with dozens of members of the Investigative task force, including Hudson Count Prosecutor Ruvoldt and a Dep. Chief from the PAPD, whose name I cannot recall. We confirmed that night that Odom had in fact fled to Atlanta Ga. From my desk, the Dep. Chief chartered a plane to take members of the task force to Atlanta, where the arrest was made. My partner and I could not travel with the task force as our agency wouldnt let us go, but we were elated when the arrest was confirmed.
The recent murders of the NYPD officers brought back all these memories of another Hero Cop who was taken from us over the Holiday season. I was very distressed to discover that Odom has maxed out and is back on the streets. It is my sincerest hope that Officer Perry's family is well, and that he is now at peace.
Captain Mark Dunbar Ret)
East Orange Police Department
December 21, 2014
Bill will never be forgotten, though I was in the pool at the time of his passing, he always treated me as a command guy. I will never forget his wife Valerie exiting the church and saying "you should be home with your families". To this day I choke up as I did then. Rest peacefully my brother. To all his family, only know he is in a better place guiding our two recently taken NYPD brothers. God bless you all.
Police Officer Gene Roselle (retired)
December 21, 2014
I never had the honor or pleasure of meeting Officer Perry, but had the honor of assisting NJ State Police, in West Trenton where I worked as a computer operator which at the time was known as S.A.C. (Systems and Communications). I was working my usual 2nd and 3rd shifts at the time of this barbaric incident. We were all asked to stay in the data center past our shifts, to maintain the integrity of the communications network to capture this scum who murdered him and of course, we ALL stayed. I was reminded of this injustice after the murder of PSP Corporal Bryon Dixon just a few days ago only a couple small towns away from me in Canadensis, PA. During this 34th memorial year, I would just like to say to his family that my thoughts and prayers have and will always be with them. Rest in Peace, Bill! and my Best to his entire family.
George L. Gianacopoulos
former computer operator@ NJ State Police Headquarters
September 16, 2014
Bill Perry and I had been working as partners on a plainclothes detail for about 2 weeks. During that time we had made a drug arrest on the PATH train system in Harrison, NJ and we were scheduled to appear in court on the day he was killed.
On the day prior to his murder we were working in New York and collared an escapee from upstate NY. After processing the perp as I left Bill at the World Trade Center Police Station he said: "See you tomorrow, Bill."...that never happened.
The next day Bill went to court in Harrison and I went to court in New York...I came back and he didn't. Bill was a good man..a gentleman. I truly feel that if the roles were reversed, if he had taken the collar in NY and I had gone to court in Harrison, he would still be here. The human drek who killed Bill is out walking the streets...a threat to humanity. Where is the justice?
Bill"s murder was truly vicious. His assassin, Fernando Odom. was smoking a cigarette on a PATH train. Bill Perry, who was in plain clothes and on his way back from court in Harrison, told Odom to put out the cigarette and when Odom couldn't produce ID for a summons Bill tried to take him into custody. Odom punched Bill, knocked him down and fled. Bill pursued Odom and when Bill caught Odom Odom pulled out a pistol, fired 3 shots into Bill's chest. Bill's bullet proof vest stopped the bullets but the force of the shots knocked Bill to his knees. Bill grabbed Odom around his legs. Odom stuck the pistol into the base of Bill's neck and fired a shot that went down through Bill's body and struck his heart. Then to make sure Bill was dead, Odom placed the pistol between the panels of Bill's bullet proof vest and fired a shot that pierced both of Bill's lungs thereby ensuring Bill's death.
This was a savage, brutal, senseless murder...why is this animal loose on our streets?
Rest in peace Bill
My deepest and sincerest sympathies go out to Bill's wife and children.
Bill Behrens
Bill Behrens
PAPD Retired
April 18, 2014
Thanks Tim for what you are doing. I worked with Bill Perry at PATH and was devastated when he was killed. Be safe on your ride and Be Safe at Work.
Retired PO Richard T Howell
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
May 2, 2013
My father, Ret. Captain John J Collins, was in charge of the investigation that led to the capture and extradition of Off. Perry's murderer. I had just turned 17 at the time and did not quite understand why my father couldn't be around for Christmas Dinner. It wasn't until I became a Police Officer myself until I got it. I am now 49 and still have my father at Christmas. Off. Perry's children were robbed of that luxury! The scum is out! Where is the justice in that? I am a member of Law Enforcement United and will participate in a 3 day, 250 mile bicycle ride Mother's Day weekend, from Chesapeake, Va. to the Jefferson Memorial to raise awareness for the families of Officers who died in the line of duty. We support C.O.P.S. and the O.D.M.P. It is my honor and privilege to be riding in memory of Off. William J. Perry.
Cpl. Timothy Collins
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority PD
February 26, 2013
I am so deeply touched...in tears...reading these comments after all the years that have passed. All of you have moved me beyond words. I will never, ever be able to thank all of you enough for your kind words and memories. I will treasure every word that you have written. It means so much to me and my children that he will always be remembered...never forgotten...after all we have been through. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My Bill's killer is out celebrating Christmas...me and my children got the life sentence instead !!
Valerie Perry
Loving wife of Bill Perry
February 25, 2013
Bill Perry was the closets thing to a partner I ever had. After his death, I didn't want one. He was a member of a very close squad of men. I remember giving his son my solid gold pin indicating squad 8. The squad planed to have a Christmas party at his house the next day, that is just one example of how close we were. He will always be remembered by the members of Squad 8.and all the members of PAPD
Sgt. Dennis Frederick Retired
Port Authority Police Department
December 23, 2012
Police Officer William Perry, thank you for your service to the People of the State of New York and New Jersey. I am proud to have known you. God Bless you and your family always.
Detective Anthony P. Fusco (ret)
Port Authority of NY & NJ Police Dept.
December 22, 2012
Another Christmas that the Perry Family is without Bill. I believe his son, Brian, is in the process of writing a book about his dad. It is a worthy cause. Bill is a hero that will always be remembered. He is especially missed during Christmas time, when families usually enjoy each others company. Port Authority Police Officer William Perry is remembered and missed.
Merry Christmas. May God Bless the Perry family.
Lieutenant Michael P. Brogan (ret)
Port Authority of NY and NJ Police
December 21, 2012
Your heroism and service is honored today, the thirty-first anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.
Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.
I pray for solace for all those that love and remember you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.
Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
December 22, 2011
Officer William Perry gave his life in the line of duty and will never be forgotten.God bless him and his family.
Ret. Sgt Vincent Perniola
Port Authority Police of N.Y.&N.J.
December 22, 2011
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